Don’t worry, with that grill and price tag you won’t see too many.
Don’t worry, with that grill and price tag you won’t see too many.
Yeah, good luck with that.
In other news:
So no one here thinks that trade tariffs should be more equal than they are now? also puts forth the bad, outdated message that cars are mostly for a heterosexual male audience.
Spend some time on and see how many misguided drivers with no clue there are.
No, sorry, Eric Clapton is God.
4th Gear:
The only way that car will print money is if it has have a color Xerox machine in the back.
I don’t get it either. Normally, you only do documentaries on real legends- Paul Newman, etc.
Remember, Jackie Stewart and Jim Clark were Scottish.
Slow, slow news day.
Fixed your headline.
Like yours...
3" is “punishing snow”?
Good dog.
Everything is awesome.
In case you haven’t noticed, real journalism is dead and standards for objectivity are long, long gone, from the front page of the New York Times, to Fox News, to car reviews.