I love my dog

That would work. Or just literally walk away from any comment like that. Don’t acknowledge it, don’t show any facial expression, just turn and walk away and start talking to someone else. Cuz commenting on someone’s weight in any way shape or form is FUC.KING. RUDE. Or maybe tell your mother to tell them not to bring

It’s not your imagination.

I think it’s a mix of Kinja being screwed up for a few months, a lot more assholes around, a certain prominent commenter who continues to take up a lot of space (including replying to himself in Barf Bag to push his comments to the top), and Univision imploding. This place seriously sucks now so I imagine a lot of

Show of Hands: who here had a plan of What to Do after graduating high school?

Baby hummingbird update! Momma has relocated and only comes back for feedings. Babies keep each other warm and sit with beaks pointing up to protect themselves. We think they’ll be grown and flown within the next week-10days. We love having them around, and hopefully we’ll get a third batch once they’re gone. (I

Did anyone get any good pictures of Jupiter? Or any cool pictures you want to show off? I got some ok pictures with my little cannon power shot. It takes really cool pictures of the moon, but Jupiter is a *bit* further away. I got three of the Galilean Moons on Tuesday.

I wish in the suits they would write in a clause that states that the officer in question if they lose, may never ever work in the law enforcement community again, that includes security jobs, or even taking a gig as a security guy for a high school football game. I am done, so done with police getting a free golden

So far, I’ve seen no one mention my own mom’s version of “maybe,” which I believe to be by far the best and most reasonable for all parties:

And yet Michelle Wolfe went too far.

The American people deserve a healthcare system that takes care of them – not one that takes advantage of them. We will work every day to ensure all Americans have access to the quality, affordable medication they need and deserve. We will not rest until the job is done!

And I won’t be watching the new season of Arrested Development.

Why the hell is he on the new season of arrested? I love that show, but seriously won’t be watching the new season. Get with the program netflix.

Would you believe the Code 45* if it told you that Mike Pence’s days are numbered? I know, I know…it sounds crazy. The strange man from Indiana would appear to be the perfect sycophant to fulfill 45*’s need for constant stroking. They just did that Indiana love thing last night. As New York Magazine oh-so-gently noted

Maybe usually means “I’m trying to be a good parent and not laugh in your little, dumb, adorable, face about how fucking stupid of a request that is. So maybe if hell freezes over you can have a gold plated golf club, that plays a recording of The Macarena played on a harmonica on an endless loop, and shoots flames

I will not yield. Not one second. Not one second.

I’m going to try for a Trump-free weekend.

right there with ya

It’s a little weird to compare Trump—a man who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault countless times—to a woman who raps about consensual sex and dancing.

She has a problematic boyfriend, there is room for growth in her personal life. Did you read this article or Caity Weaver’s GQ article: It’s strange how sometimes we as women are held accountable for our partner’s short-comings.

i haven’t been feeling cardi b, like at all, up until the last week or so. i dunno i think just where i am in my life and all the shit i’m going through right now - cardi is the antidote. she’s fun and happy and tough, and makes me feel like i can be fun and happy and tough, and as cool* as her.