I love my dog

What is this coveted status Tony Robbins and George Will seem to think accusers enjoy? These turds think Anita Hill or Rose McGowan or Andrea Constand are walking around with a #MeToo punch card where if you accuse nine high profile men of sexual misconduct, you get a free mani/pedi with the tenth accusation.

I always get pissed off about these types of motivational speakers that view any type of externalization of blame as “victimhood” or “blaming others.” It always reads, to me, like what they’re trying to do is guilt you and make you dislike yourself so that you’ll buy their next book/attend their next seminar on how to

People still go to Tony Robbins seminars? I thought he turned into one giant fossilized tooth years ago.

It’s so lazy and it’s amazing to me how accepted it still is. I was at the gym one time and happen to catch two broke girls and I was horrified. Not only do they have the exaggerated accent, but of course the asian man is sexless yet a horndog. Also, hungover the movie, I’m sure there are others I can’t think of right

Kimmel and Hannity are both shitheads. Kimmel only turned into an advocate and feminist when he stood to profit from it, when it was politically fashionable to do so, and when he got a late night show. He shed his Man Show garbage persona as easily as he took it up for the same two reasons: laughs and greed.

Not that this makes anything okay, but she wanted to throw the party at his house. He didn’t want to.

Aside from the grossness of trading Caroline off for a pair of chonies, I never even understood why we were meant to root for Sam and dislike Caroline. Because Caroline’s... blonde? Because she has the guy that Sam wants? One of the things that struck me as an adult was that Caroline’s actually really nice*; she even

On days when it feels like we’re regressing, remember this — we used to be okay, even amused, by plot points we now see as awful.

What astounds me is how OK we were ... how OK I have been ... with this particular plotline for what – 30 FREAKING YEARS? Why? Were we all collectively asleep?

I just came to the realization late last year that the entire “I’ll let you take Caroline home” trade-off is so incredibly awful, and of course I realized this after I had already shown “Sixteen Candles” to my 14-year-old son and his best friend.

What astounds me is how OK we were ... how OK I have been ... with this

Next Friday. That way all week Trump can go on about how all the news about the imminent firing is fake and how everyone is lying before doing exactly the thing they were reporting he was about to do.

Once I punched a bear as it was walking into the bathroom while I was walking out at night while camping

I think I may be a dead end, because babies repulse me - no maternal instincts at all.

WHOOPS. Fixed. I blame the mistake on the fact that writing this post broke my brain forever.

Well, it’s the same instinct that makes you want to care for that screaming, hairless apelet and advance the species, so there’s an evolutionary offset.

I have the same emotional response to black bears as cute dogs (I wanna cuddle it).

Last time I checked, the punishment for pointing a pipe at people wasn’t summary execution on the streets.

That’s like how the cops said Alton Sterling was reaching for his gun after one of the cops straight-up told him that he was going to murder him in cold blood. Like, no shit, I would have tried to get at my weapon too if some lunatic police officer said he was going to shoot me while I was being held down on the

A witness, named Jaccbot Hinds, told the New York Daily News that the cops emerged from an unmarked vehicle and fired off their guns without warning. “They just hopped out of the car,” said Hinds. “It’s almost like they did a hit. They didn’t say please. They didn’t say put your hands up, nothing.”

Third try: A Black man holding anything gives them permission to shoot and simply *say* they thought it was a gun. Do we really believe in 2018 when we know nearly every adolescent and adult is holding a phone cops really think everything in hand is a gun? They are flat out lying to avoid being charged. They take