
is there such a setting?

How did you come to know ER nurses?

I've come across people with the same name having their accounts merged, but ssn's can be duplicated due to fraud to clerical errors. The credit Bureau's don't validate anything. They just report what they are told.

It depends as to whether your work environment is planned or interrupt driven, or both . My greatest challenge in estimating time is that I'm always doing something new. The very fact that I've never written the same code before or installed the same enterprise application before makes my estimate of time not much

we have very different friends, mine blow their cash because it doesn't get tracked on bank statement . For their budgets, you see $100 fun money for the ATM withdrawal transaction and no indication of where the money went . Credit card transactions are very specific '$44.10 at jcpenney - clothing category'

that is great advice for personal finance and many other disciplines as well. Sometimes the only way to know if something will work is to try it . You won't be an expert on day one of your journey to financial independence, but if you don't start you will never get there.

YNAB also does this. You have an account view for account balances and transactions, and a budget view where you create budget categories ( food, rent, clothing, entertainment, travel, etc) decide how to much money to put into each one, and then track your spending in each category. It has desktop and mobile apps

The real trick is zero sum budgeting . When you try to spend more than you planned to spend, you have to take money away from another goal. This makes you work and also makes you feel the impact of overspending.

save up a $1000

I noticed this inconsistency in the article as well . A big '?' appeared the moment I saw the words 'rookie mistake' . It conflicts with the title. Who proofread this article?

I can't think of a use for this, there has to be more to it that the description suggests . Are there any in-depth reviews of this app? no one I know outside of work used email to communicate . FaceTime =0, sharing gifs or notes, also = 0 users.

agreed. Plus you can network with the people you meet to get more business. I've had my last 2 phone sales get me IT consulting business because iPhone buyers were geeks as well.

Craigslist gets me at least $100 more than a commercial reseller . plus i don't have to wait. Meet the person , turn on phone and let them see that it works, and they hand me a

And, except for reminders, tablets beat Smartphones for these tasks.

wow. I'm already in a rush to get to work on time every morning, now I have to stop and write 3 pages, too? Plus arrive to work ever later than traffic already makes me?

I can relate. I'm the sole admin of an enterprise application that's used by day shift, evening shift, and night shift . It never stops doing work and it's alway needs to be running, including holidays, weekends, etc. I get support calls at all hours. They compensate me well to get this level of service, but it can

None of them are abandoned. They are still yours and still growing like good investments should. I'd leave them where they are.

you have your retirements savings right now, that is a form of instant gratification. At least every time I look at my nest egg I'm glad that I have it now because it will grow a lot of time. If I had zero retirement savings now , I'd be depressed .

I consider how far I've come in the last year, 2 years, etc and also enjoy watching my savings categories in my YNAB budget app increase each paycheck, bringing me closer to my goals.

I used to be undisciplined and was bitten by the fees and interest big time. After I learned to budget and switch to a 'spend only money you have' strategy, then it was easy to manage credit. The ideas is to give every dollar a job, so that if you have say , $100 for groceries , it doesn't matter if you pay cash or