
Yeah, I remember the initial tweets for Suicide Squad were through the roof. We all saw how that turned out. But I trust Rian Johnson.

No joke, the Fant4stic initial pre-embargo reviews were astoundingly positive as well. And then...

Exactly. Buy into the hype you hacks.

Germain is cool and all, but I’m always going to remember his article about getting mad that Toys R Us ran out of Star Wars toys or him crying at the appearance of Captain Phasma in the trailer for the Last Jedi when I read him rave about something Star Wars related.

That seems to be the case for every film that first comes out.

Yeah, for sure. I’ve seen some of the worst movies in my life in the last five years and all of them were “Spectacular!” according to somebody.

Good update! And a good article in general, many people don’t appreciate the impact of high fees on their investment goals. Some folks luck out with great investment options, but many employers offer terrible, sub-standard plans and people need to be aware of it.

Yeah, Vanguard funds have notoriously low expense ratios, so if a 401k uses Vanguard funds, you’re probably all good as far as fees go. None of this is to say all 401ks have these problems, but these are the common complaints people should look into.

The tax advantage thing is a little off, as Roth 401(k)s do exist and a growing number of employers offer that option.

Did the person jus move in?

Ugh way to minimal. Looks like a serial killer lives there.

I'd lose the bose speaker, the filing cabinet and all the doors. Then it'd be minimal enough.

thus why i state it ain't a japaneese one :)

To a woman this is not minimalistic...it's a blank palette waiting for a piece of plastic with a high credit limit.

He's in the "cleaning" business.

I like the bed frame, but beyond that it's going to look pretty bad if it gets any sort of "lived in" look - a jacket thrown over the railing here, a pair of shoes there, a few papers on the desk and the illusion is gone.

I love the space and the setup but it's a little too spartan for me.

I have to ask - contract killer?

You seem to have forgotten iStat menus. While it is not free anymore (v.3), version two was free and is excellent. You have graphs inside the menus, you can choose what and what not to show, etc.