
It looks like she fell asleep on a fancy-ass cake and got fondant stuck to her head.

^This guy gets it.

Same with “you should respect the office even you don’t like/support/ respect the person in it.”

The courthouse is kinda far from his house, but he doesn’t mind traveling. 

People make a big deal about the Philly Special because the Eagles did it on 4th and goal in the Super Bowl, it worked perfectly, and everybody saw it (because it was the Super Bowl). Having a catchy name for it helps too, I guess. 

Yeah, I thought that was a weird take as well. “More gambling fodder than legitimate competition” sounds more like the preseason quality bullshit the NFL trots out every Thursday.

This is a bad fake-out because it relies not on your opponent’s stupidity but their notions of fair play. You’re punishing the non-Schianos of the world.

Exactly. He’s a dumb person’s idea of an intellectual. He uses words his fans don’t understand to say things they already agree with; therefore they think he’s a lib-owning genius.

Definitely a weird take, second paragraph in particular. For what it’s worth, the play wasn’t even reviewed. The officials left the field immediately after the play and everyone was like “Oh, ok. The game’s over, apparently.”

The first car I ever bought was purple, but I’m colorblind and thought it was blue.

I don’t know about anybody else, but by the time I got to

The “entertainment product” they’re consuming is a football game. If they want to “express displeasure” with the events of that game, fine. If they want to boo when Luck throws an interception or the officials blow a call, fine.

Needs more pissed off, vaguely anthropomorphic animals.

Math doesn’t care about Ben’s feelings, apparently.

Don’t worry about it. Sometimes you just have to take the L.

In conclusion, Milwaukee is a land of contrasts.

I was hoping someone would mention sevens, it’s pretty damn fun to watch.

I don’t know about eating himself out of the league, but I am surprised there haven’t been more “Zion needs to lose weight” takes.