“Man, this new car smell really makes me want to knit a collage”
“Man, this new car smell really makes me want to knit a collage”
“Man, this new car smell really takes me back to college.”
I would much rather sit next to a dog than a two year old human.
Guilt or innocence hasn’t mattered in a LONG time. It’s all about how much they can squeeze you for.
You forgot the $75 “court costs” for them to do their job.
I suspect, not having taken any polls, that convertibles are much more polarizing for women than men. I think nothing of driving in my naked Jeep, but when I picked up a friend with long hair recently she was forced to hold onto her hair and shut her eyes to keep from getting scratches in her contacts from the hair…
Nothing is purely inelastic - if your water bill soars, you start watering landscaping and washing cars less, to eventually the extreme of letting it mellow if it’s yellow. Gasoline has a short term elasticity of -0.09 in the short term (driving habits,) -0.31 long term (vehicle choice.) So if the price goes up 20%,…
I think what’s truly amazing about cop talk is that most all the guys writing these reports usually have a two year degree at best and yet will use words like they’re writing a Dostoevsky novel.
“Sir, I pulled you over because the time-averaged derivative of your location measured by this laser interferometer has exceeded the specified local maximum.”
You’re not wrong, but it’s also WAY easier to make this mistake in modern cars since the instrument cluster is ALWAYS illuminated regardless of your headlights.
Can we stop the beer-hate? Every beer snob says stuff like this. It’s a mild beer. No strong flavors, much like Budweiser, Coors, etc. Saying it tastes like shit is a way over-exaggerated opinion. Is it an amazing beer? No. But far from disgusting.
Friend of mine noticed a burning smell coming from her car, so I checked under and saw a plastic bag that had wrapped itself around the CV. Was properly melted to it.
Newark fucking blows. Last time I was there it had the lovely smell of jet fuel throughout all of the terminals for some reason, and it was really bad. The air was better outside than inside. We had to go outside to breathe for cleaner air (relatively speaking). Couldn’t wait to get on the plane.
I have so many memories of sitting in the back of my parents old Taurus playing Game Boy and making faces at the cars behind us.
Having moved from Virginia to the Mountain West, and having now travelled all around the region and California, I can indeed confirm that 93 octane ain’t nowhere to be found out here, but was common as can be from whence I came.
Just got a sudden urge for a McRib !
I miss the drive-through liquor stores in Wyoming (they’re still there) that you could buy shots at the window from (they dont’ do that anymore)....
It’s pretty much *exactly* sex on the beach. It sounds exciting, and it is, but in reality it chafes your dick and the cops are all over you. The ratio of preparation to thrills is all out of proportion.