
It’s true. For me, it was both trying to help my parents deal with my dad’s congenital heart defect and dealing with my wife’s pregnancies.

I would assume those numbers would break very differently. I know that’s why I personally am totally fine with abolishing private insurance. I’m just not going to believe a self-serving fantasy that a majority of other Americans agree with me like efcdons or Bernie Sanders.

My white presenting accounts are both followed, and they're much worse than this one ever was. 

They're not big on my brand of humor, either.

Don’t engage. Just flag & dismiss.

The hate for honesty is strong at GMG.

Libby would have a fucking stroke.

So you can’t provide a single poll that backs your assertion that people don’t like their own insurance and I’m the one spouting talking points?

I never went away.

For once, Paul Blest says something I wholeheartedly agree with.

He’s both ignorant and dishonest. Bernie’s always been ignorant and dishonest. He is the ultimate career politician railing against “the Establishment” he’s been a part of for over three decades.

Rude Negro is back! The sun shines again.

I tend to disagree that her defense is asinine, because if that’s the case then a full question was never asked. If you’re moderating a debate, you shouldn’t be referencing a debate from the day before or giving needless exposition when you could have just asked the question in a simple, direct manner with no chance

Technically speaking, Bernie is their Daddy Lover.

Better check your polling numbers. Americans really like Medicare, once they’re old enough to access it. Age 65+ poll at 88% “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable.”

They aren’t journalists, they’re hacks at best.

This. I mean hit piece after hit piece on Biden and Harris and yet Bernie shows his ass and not a fucking peep. 

They’re bloggers. They’ve never, once, been journalists.

So Bernie does nothing but parrot his campaign talking points, goes full “Old Man Yells At Cloud” at a couple points, actually replies to “What would you do if Roe was overturned?” with “Medicare for All!”, and Splinter’s editorial plan is to point out how everyone else in the debate screwed up.

Trolls are getting out of hand.