One can only hope.
One can only hope.
Pence knows how congress works. If Pence had been President when Republicans held both houses you can bet a lot more worse shit would have been passed. The irony is Trump’s incompetence is the only things that’s prevented things from getting even worse.
Not only is it smart, they know how these things work if you don’t have the votes in the Senate. Impeaching Bill Clinton in 1998 only made him more popular and lost Republicans seats in the 1998 election. Democrats are very aware of what happens when you impeach someone without the guilty votes in the Senate. This is…
I’m convinced that one of these writers is behind some of the troll accounts like BarackaObama.
But he went to a HBC so he’s the wokest of all.
Not to mention Buffet is giving away his vast fortune to the Gates Foundation?
Congrats dude, you can’t follow a conversation.
Half of these comments are from women.
The fact that BarackaObama thought that was a complement is more the reason they should be grayed forever.
Well it seemed to be really important to Splinter at one point.
So we should go full racist and appeal to those racist white votes then?
That guy tried to argue that Rolling Stone isn’t a national publication a couple of days ago. Not the sharpest took in Canada’s shed.
I’m surprised they haven’t gone the full on Fox News and start writing posts about how they hate him now.
I’d like to see her say that to the people who got health insurance from Medicaid expansion.
And what happened? They started working on a health care bill and the American people freaked the fuck out and believed it was socialist and a government takeover of health care, that there were death panels and then voted for Republicans the next election. So please tell us how you plan on getting universal…
It’s called negotiation from reality. No one goes into a job offer and then demands a dream salary.
Man that sucks. Around what year did that happen?
You can’t really take any poll this far out as any kind of indication of how the race will end up. It’s a long road before people actually start voting next January.
I can’t wait to vote for the guy who spent 30 years in congress and only managed to get two post offices named. See he’s an outsider!