
“Trying to save my TSLA short/put position” comment #2

Do they need to? Chinese car firms are practically bypassing gas only vehicles for EV & hybrids (referred to as 新能源汽车 or “new energy vehicle”). Every single domestic brand in China has their own lineup of EV that can do 100~200mi range comfortably & China’s own GBT 20234 DC fast charging network even makes Norway look

No need to make cheap Tesla knock-offs. BYD and other Chinese car companies already make the majority of electric vehicles in the world. They’re cheaper and have shorter range than Teslas, but they’ve got the market share.

I’d suspect with the brand consciousness the wealthy in China have shown, Teslas will continue

Or the simpler explanation: A dude that has been caught cheating high scores in the past has a fishy, unreproducible score, and has now assumed to be a liar.

A one-off could be chalked up to an error. But Todd has a litany of highly suspect scores submitted via less than honest means (a friend acting as judge, or even entering his own.)

And a lot of his scores are ridiculously far above the second place entry.

Now playing

This YouTube video demonstrates how suspect Todd Rogers is. The vast majority of his scores were “verified” by a judge who was a personal friend, and he has been caught inputting some of his own scores into the TG leaderboards.

The biggest reason for production delay? Over-promising from the very top.

“Wow, I’m going 228km/h (141mph) on a public road! Better take a picture and post it!”

It’s not just truckers, it’s pretty much everyone in the road. Cell phones are a big part of this.

I apply the same sentiment to all highway going vehicles.

WITHOUT the trailer. Burdened trucks will not do anything of the sort friend.

Can’t happen soon enough. I see drifting trucks daily any my commute is 10 miles.

Just-in-Time inventory model. Dell created this in the 1990s.

Except those $5k deposits don’t even begin to cover development costs, tooling, etc. It’s probably more of a marketing proposition than anything, to be able to say x people or companies have put a deposit down.

As someone who recently did a bit of off roading on I-75 because a sleeping trucker drifted into the, occupied by my vehicle, fast lane and didn’t wake up until he hit the rumble strips, I welcome the day these things go fully autonomous.

I’m not sure you understand a pyramid scheme.

0-60 in 5 seconds!! I’m excited to watch a truck merging onto the highway in front of me rapidly pulling away instead of holding me up.

My ‘89 Jetta had no factory radio.

4 speakers? That’s luxury. The ‘79 Cougar I owned for a while in college only had one speaker for it’s AM radio.

Toyota actually donates a lot to the California Science Center, and has done so for years. They earned this.