Fair, but Ford sells a few other vehicles, so it’s not quite as relevant to the future of the company.
Fair, but Ford sells a few other vehicles, so it’s not quite as relevant to the future of the company.
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All these companies hold incredible wealth. Any and all of them could pay for testing. None of them want to, because they want even more money.
Huh, where did you get 0.68V? That chip has a Vcore of 1.8V I believe, and is one of those 90nm chips the article is decrying as obsolete.
Yup. It’s almost like forcing the suppliers to hold all the risk finally backfired.
This isn’t an issue. Modern CPUs us like, .8v, but the PSUs only put out 5v and 12v, and generally only use 12v for the CPUs. What they do use, however, is VRM modules to knock that voltage down to the desired voltage. This is what they’d do with any CPU. Even 20 year old CPUs didn’t run at 5v or 12v. 486's from the…
Look to see this resolved about the time K inja gets functional
It’s almost as if just-in-time delivery has some sort of flaw. /s
This is all due to poor supply chain planning and a religious devotion to just in time manufacturing to appease Wall Street because excess inventory looks bad on a balance sheet. So many industries are suffering because everyone thought it was 2008 again and it isn’t. The bonkers thing is that older IC’s aren’t that…
Great article, more in depth stuff like this please.
This is a huge part of the problem in corporate America - has been for a long, long time. I hate to use an over-used word, but this is LITERALLY why no C suite (or sr. VP for that matter, etc..) has to worry about doing a good job at all. Doesn’t matter in the big picture. Their life will not change. They will go on…
Man, what a gig for these corporate execs. Do a shitty job. Get shown the door with a giant payoff. Probably can milk your experience to get on a few other corporate boards and make some more easy money off that.
Surprised none of the usual 1% apologists have chimed in to expound on how reasonable that compensation level is for someone who failed.
The Ford family ownership is an issue, but a far bigger issue is the culture of the white collar workers. That starts at the top with the CEO. There is a culture of hiding issues, pretending everything is fine, infighting between executives, and trying to blame problems on someone else. Read up on some of the…
His flexible mindset will be a fusion of past Ford synergies, giving them the edge in a global market bucking like a wild pinto bean.
What did he get sent away with - $40 million? $60 million? I hope he doesn’t starve to death now.
Quick, deploy golden parachute!
I heard this guy give an interview a few years ago about how Ford was going to start monetizing its data because people did stuff in cars. I pretty much wrote him off as nonsense right then. If he thinks Ford is going to save itself by selling data when people carry phones literally all the time then he’s off his head.
The ID3 isn’t going to be any much cheaper than the model 3. It was touted to start at $33k USD. That’s now jumped to $45,500 USD which is a $12.5k jump. Unfortunately this means it’s directly competing with the Tesla Model 3 now which IMO is a recipe for disaster.
GM and Nissan have hardly committed in their own countries to EVs, much less elsewhere. The Leaf and Bolt/Volt have always been a part-time hobby for those two.