
I kind of like it? I’ve hit the bottom one a few times on accident when waking up the phone after it’s been on speakerphone sititng on a table.

Also great for uploading the screenshots with an instantly-copied URL. 

This doesn’t seem to work if the physical switch is set to mute or DnD, unfortunately. The notification appears on my iPhone (iOS 15.2), but no ringing.

Critical alerts are on, but no dice.

You’ve gained availability and cheaper BoM. That’s a big win over “no availability and higher BoM”.


The rest of the comment...makes no sense. No automaker is moving to 5nm. See the article; it’s a business / time problem, not a technical problem.

Automakers could use newer nodes, but they just don’t want to validate

Like all business “disputes”, the company with more money controls the negotiation. Here, it’s Intel (and all other fabs).

Intel really doesn’t need automakers (especially for their ancient ICs); they are quite successful with 30% operating margins. When push comes to shove, e.g., the chip shortage, Intel doesn’t want

What? These 5-6 meetings are often in separate cities & separate states even, with people he barely knows.

Sitting in one building for most of the year, with an occasional foreign visit, with a curated schedule sounds like a walk in the park.

Let’s wake up a little. The presidency is a far, far greater mental toll than

Whoa, sorry. I just figured out these notifications. This is....way too late. But, my thoughts stand:

Beto also took fossil fuel money, Beto also doesn’t see Medicare for All as the proper, globally-tested solution, Beto also doesn’t think systemic, structural change is the only solution for a has-been democracy, and Be

Again, these are 2016 fears and you’ll pay the 2016 price. Centrists who “poll great in mainstream media” failed America in 2016.

You all are stuck with the same fears as 2016 and it shows. And you’ll pay the same price.

Biden is Beto + 47 years of Democratic Party rot (yes, Biden was “first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. “)

Who do you got this time? I’m seeing Warren whose actually emulating his good policies. The rest are just paying lip service, it feels like.

I wouldn’t judge Biden on campaign totals alone when he had less than half the donors of others. He literally had Comcast and health insurance executives donating $2800 a plate.

Who reported no power steering? That’d be insane in a Model 3 and a legitimate safety hazard, if they kept the original steering design. See, a lot of tech journalists constantly post about Tesla, but don’t understand cars so you might’ve been had by #PoorlyWrittenNews

What is a powertrain engineer complaining about NVH like?

A fish outta water. ;)

>user interface, ride quality and its braking performance

You realize each of those has been updated in the production line since CR’s review, right? Tesla still has plenty of tweaks left to go, but, lmao, you just had to pick the very things they’ve actually tweaked:

User interface: the steering wheel controls have

I gotta imagine Tesla’s considering ultracapacitors for the 2020 Roadster. Hitting 8.8s in the quarter-mile repeatedly doesn’t sound great for a traditional battery, even a 200kWh one.

This approach has good pros, but needs to mitigate a few cons. People wouldn’t necessarily be OK with “older batteries” stuffed into their brand-new cars on their first swap (i.e., older batteries offer somewhat lower performance).

Thinking bigger, as an analogy, do we do that to our phones when we want more than “one

Hwhat? Maybe some miscommunication here.

Electric vehicles charged at home do not need to be “charged fast”. You sleep for at least 6 hours (hopefully). That’s 18x longer than “20 minutes”.

Do you expect your phone to charge in 20 minutes at home?