

Another vote for PodKicker. Downloads in the background (if you want it to) and, while it isn't a snazzy interface, it's very usable.

*Everyone* over 6 months of age should get the flu shot every year (http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/whoshouldvax.htm). Usain Bolt, Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, and you, too, unless you have a medical reason not to.

Inaccurate comment is inaccurate! :(

Everyone should get vaccinated. 70% of the US population doesn't and thus the virus has a host nearly everywhere.

-said no one, ever.

EXACTLY. The vaccine should be listed, and then hygiene, and then the rest of your points.

Another enormous negative is that Google Maps does not have offline navigation (i.e., turn-by-turn directions or any sort of routing ONLY works with an active data connection).

Same! How can I tell it save routes?!

Offline doesn't have turn-by-turn directions...it's, unfortunately, just the map data.

Lightshot is THE fastest way to upload screenshots! :) I guarantee it; I'll race anyone! :D

A more innocuous example of sideloading:

Oh, I did not know Smart Response worked with any SSD; that's really nifty. Thank you for the info, ian.g.case. :)

Good point. But, I think another merit for drives like the Accelerator/Adrenaline is that they are drop-in replacements.

There is a perfect compromise (or at least one better than what's currently under option #4).

Cancerman8 is spot-on. :)

It is a wonderful article (and this is coming from someone who recently realized they were burned out).

Definitely. No worries. :D

Thank you and not a worry! :D

I didn't see the guide?