I Kinjad my soul

So we can agree, that he is a good director? I liked Fruitvale Station, haven’t seen Creed yet. Doesn’t this make his statement sound even more absurd? If he had claimed the opposite, wouldn’t you have screamed blood murder then? Would you hire a director who sees himself as mediocre due to his genetic makeup? Someone

He doesn’t have to disclose his mediocrity in any job interview, he just acknowledged it publicly. In a room full of female directors, he should always be the last choice, according to his own admission. Why should any producer choose him over any woman for a directing job in the future? Of course, this would be

Ok, let’s think this through. By admitting, that women are better at directing films than men, he also admits that he deliberately hurt any movie project he’s ever associcated with by taking the directing job instead of handing it to a better (read: any female) director. What could possibly his pitch for a new movie

“But I’m sure that’s not what you were doing. So what were you doing?”

I’m not attacking individuals here. I’m trying to point out, that there is a huge difference between predominately Christian countries vs Islamic states, as far as religious freemdom is concerned. Here is a list of the Top 50 countries where Christians are more or less openly discriminated against. Note a trend here

Yes, we can get through a weak(er) season two of True Detective. The world has lived through 1 1/2 seasons of HTGAWM so far, a show where nobody knows anything, anybody looks both guilty and innocent at the same time, there’s lots of pointless, gratuitous sex and Viola Davis’ mimic expressions alternate between

The religious persecution vibe that this article gives to me is off-putting. Religious persecution in Islamic countries is no hypothetical, it’s a reality. Educate yourself.

Then how do you explain, that for muslims, non-muslims are considered infidels? Their religious beliefs are not even considered as valid. In a country like Afganistan, you could not convert from Islam to Christianity without being threatened by death. Are you seriously trying to parse words by using the “people of the

You have to be really mean spirited, to come to the preposterous conclusion that I was aiming for less religious tolerance for people of non-christian belief. This article, for the millionth time or so, tries to paint a picture of apalling religious intolerance in the Western world, while continually omitting the

“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims Christians because they, like me, a Christian Muslim, are people of the book,”

We get it on the internet, for free.

More than 90 reported cases of sexual assault and/or robbery. This is a report from one of the most reputable magazines in Germany:

I dunno what it is with Redheads, I just can’t point my finger on it...

So, parents of daughters aren’t smarter than other people after all. They’d rather vote for the glass ceiling shatterer than for the only progressive candidate in the field of Jesus freaks and Wall Street lackeys.

Was that an attempt at humor? If it was, try again.

Too bad this is coming from somenone being as toxic as Trump is, just not quite that famous. I assume that’s her real gripe with the media.

Translation - Allred outed her client and now laments about the public scrutiny. Her goal is clearly to shake down both Tyga, who reportedly has never met the girl as well as the magazine, which did not reveal her identity. Classic ambulance chaser mo.

Isn’t ‘mediocre daytime talk TV’ a pleonasm?

He began by calling the mother of his child a bitch

Dear Hillary,