...or 10 bucks for a paternity test maybe?
Care to do some more editing, this time on your comment, by changing from”was it raped” to “was I raped”?
If the basis of the joke is that the existence of trans people is funny, the joke is lame.
He had to refer to Caitlyn Jenner as Bruce Jenner in the first joke, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked. You can’t say that Caitlyn Jenner has changed, when it was Bruce Jenner who changed/transformed into Caitlyn Jenner over the last year. It wasn’t the funniest joke though.
Could that be because the only category you cared about last night was your own?
Hud, did I miss something? Please point me to the former First Lady who used to sit in the Oval Office being Commander in Chief before her husband got elected? Any presidential spouse with the political experience on the job of Bill Clinton in the past? You vote for the candidate, not the spouse, to run the WH, except…
....and.he.will.be.her.closest.and.most.influential.political.advisor! That’s what I said. Nothing *more’, nothing less. Do you have any doubts about that?
Is there any position more useless in any employment than a VP (Joe Biden as VPOTUS being the lone exception, of course)?
That’s not an air guitar, maybe a ukulele. Ellen plays the bass.
I get it, that the c-word has now be officially approved of by jezebel, at least for WOC I guess?!
Laura Bush was not the former POTUS and future closest and most influential political advisor to GWB when he ran for office. Bill Clinton will fill exactly that role and he is campaigning for Hillary in exactly that capacity. Apples and oranges.
When your spouse is the former POTUS and you’ve been politically connected to him your whole political life and he’s actively campaigning for you and you’ve been a champion for women’s right as of lately (only since around 2014 or so), by among other things claiming, that rape victims should always be believed, then…
I understand, that you guys are disgusted at the fact, that Penn met a wanted drug dealer for an interview. How unethical of him! If this had been a story about a male hooker trying to extort a wealthy male client who happens to be the CFO of a company that owns a social news aggregator passionately hated by Gawker…
“I think that my life experiences, what I care about, what I’ve been through just make me perhaps more aware of and responsive to a lot of the family issues that people are struggling with, whether it’s affording child care or looking to get their incomes up because everything is increasing in cost,”
‘We’ are not going to harass her for something her bf did, but we should have harassed her for jokes that were part of her act just a few years ago like this one: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything…
No need to take notes, we already wrote the book on it.
Foreshadowing his son’s presidency?
Or, us clueless white folk just like to mess with you, the enlightened and melanin privileged ones.
I agree. He lost to Ordinary People, which was a nice little movie. In case you haven’t seen The Revenant yet, go see it. It’s a captivating story, even though there isn’t that much dialogue. The scenery is breathtaking, so is the camerawork, sound and light. It’s basically like a Terrence Mallick movie, only with a…