
If you carefully read tge article, you’ll see that RPI staff forced prisoners to rework unfit helmets, and falsify QC reports they’d already correctly filled out. The problem here was ironically corrupt members of the Bereau of Prisons, not so much the prisoners themselves.

Yeah, i always refuse to shake hands with strong people because i dont want my hand to get ripped off.

Libraries buy the books, usually lots of copies. Anybody who protests libraries because creators don’t get paid is not even worthy of debate.

Do you expect the guy in charge of combat mechanics to take a vacation until the rest of the issues have been fixed by his colleages, so he can finally edit one number in a database, without hurting the feelings of some anon?

They flock to the area because of the close proximity of three stops. Only one stop is not a tempting target.

Not really how the game works. A pokestop by itself isn’t really special - just a place to get items or occasionally set an item that draws a pokemon to it every few minute. People specifically seek out clumps of them so that they can stagger it - collecting items from one every five minute means they get to collect

This is a very bad take.

Cecile Richards of Planned Parented just enthusiastically endorsed Kaine on the Rachel Maddow Show and gave him a 100% rating on his voting record. So, maybe he’s just fine on abortion rights.

Clue style.

Ok, a few things on this, as a tech at a Dodge dealer:

Plant sources absolutely have protein in them, but the *percentage* of protein is vastly different. 1 cup of quinoa has ~222 calories, with ~40g of carbs and only ~8g of protein. 1 cup of chopped chicken breast is ~230 calories (so almost exactly the same as the quinoa) but with 0g carbs and ~43g of protein. The

Just a bunch of whiners and losers who love to ride the hate train.

This is super fascinating because this is the first trailer that’s peaked my interest in Call of Duty. Huh.

The trailer got me excited. I can easily be bought with space exploration stories.

Today I learned that I would like to bang both Jared Goff’s mom and Jared Goff’s sister. Thanks for the info, Jared Goff!

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

For zero American dollars you can walk right up to a horse, any horse will do, and whisper, "I must become a muscle king." The horse will drop kick you to the Realm of the Sweaty Emperor, where you will do power squats until your legs are massive enough to affect the tides. Once you've lifted every weight in the Realm

Bosh may be a no brainer if he doesn’t get his blood clot fixed.