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That would make the game stale and kill his twitch channel. The goal is to lose in new and creative ways. He’s counter-handicapping himself.
huh. i never noticed the pink pulses in her beam. That’s maybe something that can only be seen in screenshots/freeze frames. Maybe you’re on to something.
Or, you know, the Russian flag.
You literally answered your own question within your comment. “snoozer debates.” No one gives a shit what they’re saying, really. Stories about the RNC candidates=clicks
I mean, the point of the rack is to save you in case of failure. A failed deadlift doesn’t really need the rack; the weight just hits the ground...
PSA- Dunk can be a verb or noun.
probably need 8 additional gigs of ram, and the graphics card is not up to snuff. according to this list: http://www.futuremark.com/hardware/gpu your graphics card is ranked 49th currently, and that’s behind a lot of laptop graphics.
But they did have an open beta.
zombies, still there, and continuing the story from the Black Ops 2 Zombies timeline.