
Because most people not in prison for life will have the benefit of using their trained skills. I don’t really care about death or life without parole prisoner satisfaction. I just don’t want them to face cruel and unusual punishment. It should be a relatively bad time (if you are never going to see the outside

So most of this stuff is pretty horrific and should be changed, but some of it also seems reasonable like the lack of access to training and clubs. Death row inmates aren’t there to be rehabilitated. They are there to wait until they die. Training someone for the outside world seems kind of cruel as well given they

I really hope they are digging their own graves, but I’m not sure. Part of the reason that they don’t have any remorse, any sense of responsibility is that they’ve never been held to account before. Why would they believe it would start now?

If it’s not hurting anyone, sure.

So carry a gun? I realize it was a British study so that’s not really an option, but here in the States, there is still a strong chance of getting shot in the face of you try and carjack someone. But the real question is, what would a thief do with an autonomous car packed with tracking equipment? Can they wipe the

Never the glovebox, either on me or situated in between the seat and center console.

Since you’re impotent that point is pretty meaningless.

Ah, slightly older old fart, then. I was 13 in ‘83. Records I listened to before that were purchased by my brother and sister. I remember some Ohio Players, and Jerry Reed; an eclectic mix. We had an 8 track recorder, so I actually made mix tapes on 8 track. Good times.

So, in order for me to live my life, I need to get the permission from everyone around me? This is what you seem to be implying. I hate HOA’s because of the lawn nazis, having to get permission to plant fucking flowers, and being told every aspect of what I can and cannot do on the property I live on and pay a

but he has every right to? he (probably purposely) lives in a neighborhood with no HOA for the very reason of being able to do this. it’s a trailer.

Although fun, effects were bad even for then. I preferred BJ and the bear and Tails of the Golden Monkey. Even Black Sheep Squadron.

I’m old enough to remember the theme for S.W.A.T. was actually a popular song on the radio and as a kid I liked it.

I loved this show as a kid! I even had the theme song on a 45.

I had a Shazam glass that I got from Hardees for a very long time (late 70s early 80s) and was a big fan of the show.

That being said, it isn’t a competition! The Greatest American Hero was, well, great!

And the busy pattern helps hide the CCW......

Do you know why we old guys wear Aloha shirts? Because after decades of having to give a fuck we have reached the age that we no longer have any fucks left to give.

Good. I wish RS was on the hook for way, way more.

Everyone loves to hate lawyers until they need one. My lawyers are awesome and have paid for themselves with the money they’ve saved me by catching defective contract provisions and also being able to kill threats of bullshit lawsuits like this one when I owned a shop.

The ‘fucking lawyers’ were hired by the fucking assholes who fucking hated their fucking neighbor’s fucking garage, you fucking dunce.