
Do you really a Gary Ridgeway, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Aileen Wuornos, Michael Madison etc (yes I know three of them are dead) back on the streets? All four of them would have continued killing with no more remorse than you feel when you step on a ant and if you think 20 years in prison is going to change that you

Depending on the state if this happened in the US I can see someone pulling a weapon and at least one if not more of the “gang” getting shot. I know I make sure if I am going to die I am taking several of them with me.

Now playing

Little different adds in the nephew and lawyer.

I was 13 in 1983 but I have 2 uncles and an aunt who are 10, 13 and 15 years older than me. Thanks the parents divorce when I was 9 and the hour long car rides on the weekends I was exposed to everything from Abba to Frank Zappa. My super religious mother about died when I came home with a copy of Nazareth Hair of the

Pulled over for speeding 116 in a 65 on I-80, had a firearm that had been brought back to the states after Operation Just Cause, few switchblades etc outside of pistol nothing bad. Had written just discharged from military when left where we were stationed. Fortunately the car wasn’t searched got a written warning and

The point I was trying to make but you obviously missed in my comment but made yourself is that BOTH sides of the equation are going to try to use this for their collective benefit. How about we stop making generalizations saying that ANY collective group is all bad or all good. I have some friends who are so far

Because if it was a white male that would have stopped all the far left wing idiots from going off about how all white male gun owners are killers.

There are several books by former Delta operatives. I know a couple guys who went through the course, these are guys who are always the best of the best never fail types and they both said it was worst experience of their lives, only one was actually selected to continue on. I know he spent a few years with Delta

That is one reason we are sending in the teams we are instead of conventional forces. As for reading peoples “dispatches from the front lines” (which don’t exist since this guerilla warfare) some of us have been there done that, when were you there, what unit and MOS?

I know a few guys in these types of units believe me if one of their’s is captured and tortured there will be payback. But the odds of one of them being taken alive is very very low.