
Thank you. I’m pretty baffled at the thousand “I’m so smart for knowing she would turn heel, everyone else is an idiot for being surprised comments.” The backlash has really very clearly been against the execution of her villainous turn, not the fact of it happening. It’s mind-blowing to see the contrarians so

1,000 percent this. They wanted Jamie to be forced to kill Cersei while Dani flies over the city with the people screaming in joy with her crush Jon on the dragon.

I actually really like the idea of Cersei sitting in her high tower and sending out proclamations and whispers to smear Dany. That’s the actual Game of Thrones, and Cersei is pretty good at it (not quite as good as she thinks she is, but still pretty good), whereas all Dany knows is conquest, so she’s completely

Would have helped a lot, I agree. And they could have made Varys turning uncharacteristically stupid/uncautious into something halfway believable too. Instead of just blabbing his plans to Tyrion AND Jon, he could have maneuvered like he always used to, and gotten caught in some much more subtle way. Fast-forward mode

I’ve been screaming this for years, unfortunately my frustration has relegated my communication on this topic to screaming. It’s a viscous cycle. I buy a lot of lozenges.

Maybe, but its the build up that justifies ends.


Pretty much this. 

Really stupid.

Thanks to MSU for eliminating Duke.  But f**k MSU and Izzo’s bullying style of coaching.  I hope they lose in humiliating fashion. 

We’re gonna have 15 years to watch Zion play in the NBA. I’m perfectly ok with spending next weekend continuing to laugh at Duke for not making the Final Four with one of the most stacked rosters you’ll ever see.

It’s not really hate. It’s just that when Duke loses, civilization wins. 

*looks at the Final Four teams*

It would’ve been nice to also add that the Youtuber/Streamer RandomKenny did a lot of the work for this. He streamed for 11 hours a couple days before the final patch was dropped just discovering a single step in it that more or less gave way to how to at least kinda activate it and then did 7 hours the day it was

Not surprised that the West’s definition of “Fair Play” leads to the African team being eliminated.

I am by no means a “small Hall” guy but this seems like a shitty way to get people in. Trammell was a very good player who was (deservedly) not voted in, but I get why people might think he belongs.