Ike B

It’s absurdly described as “slow” but the FRS/BRZ twins seem to have that segment pretty handled for anybody who’s scared to buy a Miata, which you may note is the answer to everything.

It also sucks to be a junkyard tuner these days. It takes a hell of a lot more work to get a beater from 20 years ago to outrun even the average family car these days.

I had a dipshit drunk friend lunge forward from the back seat of my 1990 Camaro and slam my car in reverse while I was in the freeway. The engine shut down instantly but the car kept coasting like nothing happened. Just put it in neutral, cranked the engine, put it in drive, and kept going.

That may be, but that Elhigh guy can write really well.

Yeah having 250lb ft available instantly through FWD is not the recipe for a fun driving experience.

I was lucky enough to have one of these. The ultimate version, the last year, 1990, red, no t-tops to spoil the lines. It was a rebuilt wreck that otherwise looked mint from the outside, which is the only reason it cost $5,500 7 years after it rolled off the line into probably a New Jersey drug dealer’s hands.

If you don’t know what you’re buying, that’s true.

Since I’m in Florida, I’m uniquely qualified to comment on this for two reasons:

That’s a pretty awesome set of stories. Gotta love the comeuppance of the last one. That’s satisfying as long as those idiots didn’t hit anybody else.

Well shit that is good info. Thanks!

I think you’re on the wrong website.

When I married my wife I had four cars. That makes three between the two of us seem like a compromise.

That guy’s pinkie must be athletic as hell. Mine barely work without the ring fingers coming along for the ride.

If I hit a nerve to make you act like this, I apologize.

That girl voice yelling “I didn’t turn!” begs even more questions, though I’m inclined to believe her over Honda Roidbro.

You again? Of course they matter. Nobody wants to get beaten, even if they’re just screwing around. I’ve been to dozens of test and tune nights; easily 90% of the time you see two cars lined up at the strip in the amateur class, they’re both going all out. That video was set up for a drag race, not a “hey, let’s see

Plus side for poorer people (who have at least $16,000 laying around): the older one looks better.

The fact that a Jeep did holeshot a Lamborghini pretty much covered that a Jeep can holeshot a Lamborghini.

Vincenzo Di Poopenpantz really should be thanking that Jeep for roasting him so badly that it saved his car.

I’m a teacup enthusiast and motorcycle rider, so I can appreciate the level of work that goes into what this guy does. But it’s not my, ya know.