Ike B

To quote another guy on here whose name escapes me right now:

Yep that’s basically “I voted for Trump because I’m certain he’ll destroy the country, then maybe Republicans will stop being bad.”

I also believe that when Hillary cited the “deplorables,” she may have been referring to this group, but a lot of people in Group #1 felt like she was referring to them, and this solidified them and energized them to act out their election booth middle finger.

That doesn’t actually happen, but hey, fantasize away about how America is getting too wussy for you.

When someone says something so insane as Christians being oppressed in America or us coddling terrorists, it makes me think immediately that the only world they know is one they were told. They’ve never seen any of that shit actually happening, but a chain email or a blog site said it was happening, so they assume

And not just that, but a 3-year-old child who’s somehow also college educated and therefore elitist. Like that shit makes any sense.

The horrifying thing is Republicans weren’t even sugarcoating it this time. There were high ranking GOP members straight up saying (or at least heavily alluding to) “If we pass this law, less black people will vote, which is good for us.”

Yeah that “working” LS3 is going to have serious cooling issues, even before forced induction.

Damn that’s a wicked car.

That 100-200km/h in 3.28 seconds just shows a little of what that car can do. From the looks of it, that car was breaking traction for most if not all of that 60-120mph run while completing it faster than probably any supercar can do.

Yep, for the same reason Trump got elected: People would rather buy into a great future that’s not true rather than a pretty good future that’s more accurate.

In my experience, whether you’re going to die at that level depends entirely on how often you’ve been there. An experienced heavy drinker can practically shrug off high BAC levels because they’ve conditioned their bodies/minds (in a bad way) to deal with it, but that doesn’t mean they can drive, because they’re still

Thank you for reminding us of a half-second “punchline” from an SNL skit that they stretched into an 82-minute nightmare.

1) This term “cut and dry” (cut and dried), I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Jumping off what bassracerx said, octane is the gasoline’s resistance to spontaneous or uncontrolled combustion, the higher, the more controlled. So when you use 100 instead of 93, it’s less likely to preignite or detonate before you want it to (specifically, before the piston has risen high enough in its compression

Tell that to my 6 liter 1981 Cadillac that put out 140hp and didn’t really have all of its cylinders at 150,000 miles. It was sweating quite a bit, and the sweat was black.

And it sells more, doesn’t it.

Nevermind that unless Tom Arnold has a time machine it’s going to do jack shit anyway.

Based on a quick visual survey of my neighborhood, all GM needs to do with those Chevy Sparks is to bolt a 4" suspension lift onto them and empty all cargo from the hatch and those things will just own at the mall.

Yeah you hear stories like this every so often, minus a visual, so an NFL team in the hiring phase could realistically just imagine it through the best possible light.