Ike B

Their own incredibly shitty, dirt brown, fire prone state full of drunk rednecks.

Why did your post start out defensive, then preemptively attack people, then just brag for the rest of it?

Nevermind when that central nervous system gets cancer that you can’t diagnose.

Just seems like an odd descriptor considering most of the decathlon isn’t running events.

I ran decathlon

Typical European, says she’s not good at a language, speaks it like a native speaker.

Yeah when that 200mph traffic jam gets borked I know I’m just livid.

Wait, you’re saying if the bull wins it dies anyway? That’s a dick move

I hate to say it but this was the first NWSL game I’ve ever seen, and after fast forwarding past the dozenth ill-advised pass to the other team, the first goal I saw came after the goalie crept up behind a striker, tripped on said person, then laid down on the ground demonstratively as, a few seconds later, a ball

not going to have a lot of luck tweeting @NSWL

Oh ok, then I’ll know the difference on sight between the FWD and AWD Subarus (they come with both) and the RWD and AWD E30s the (they come with both). I literally addressed that problem in the comment you responded to.

Makes me wish they’d pointed out which cars were FWD/RWD/AWD, because there are many variations of drivetrains even between the same cars there.

“You can’t panic in that kind of situation. I mean what’re ya gonna do?” You mean aside from straightlining an obvious curve in front of you? Yeah way to go, Flatcap McWifebeater. You’re not the hero the track knew it needed that day, but it did.

If I mock the guy for blaming the Tesla driver for an accident caused by a semi cutting him off, your retort shouldn’t be literally the same point I mocked.

That’s strange, I thought it was the semi truck cutting him off that killed him.

That was beautifully succinct

Yeah parodying it by doing a really weak un-entertaining version of something really well done and entertaining doesn’t strike me as parody at all. It’s just useless.

You’re right that was pretty damn epic. That makes the video Bryan Menegus put up look idiotic and pointless.

Where’d you end up?

“What I know already is all I need to know on the issue” the educated, thoughtful voter said before pulling the lever Tuesday. “What’s Brexit, BTW?”