That’s still a hell of a fun car. It’s hard to believe that the first GTI had only 108hp, or about twice the lbs per hp of the current GTI.
That’s still a hell of a fun car. It’s hard to believe that the first GTI had only 108hp, or about twice the lbs per hp of the current GTI.
You just reminded me of when Schumacher was the Stig. God I miss that guy. Here’s hoping for a miracle and one day a few years from now the helmet comes off and it’s Schuey again.
You appear to have proceeded with your comment before processing the point I made.
That looks like one of those things that seems so easy to use if you’re really, really good at it, but a normal person will die almost instantly. Like wielding a King Cobra in a fistfight.
“You appear to be headed for championship, if you are still alive after today,” joked Putin.
“A world you can’t should predict demands a car you can trust should drive safely.”
That’s kind of amazing that so many people go 20-25mph over the limit that they’re not even the “big fish” the cop’s looking for. Around here 15-20 over the limit you’re definitely getting pulled over.
Then again, when you’ve got a cop in front of you you’re gonna pay way more attention than if it were just a normal car.
Jesus. In Orlando you can do 10mph over, casually cruising past a cop and he won’t bat an eye. I’ve never seen somebody pulled over for 5mph over. I personally have never been ticketed for anything less than 15mph over.
He refused a lawful order to slam into the back of the cop.
Speaking of things I didn’t know about until this thread (and wikipedia), TIL that my car is a Level 0 autonomous car.
Reminds me of when I went to bike week with sharpie all over the exposed cords on my tire so they looked like the rubber. Fun times.
That’s the confusing part of all this. They have their normal fit, finish and design, and that’s really only come about in its modern form in the last 15 years, and now they’re supposed to leap up to Bentley levels?
Well shit
This doesn’t happen often, but I really wanna bone that turbine outlet. That monstrous pipe is a thing of beauty.
They don’t show the pilot and passengers all aiming their fear-pee streams straight down out of the helicopter to provide the additional thrust.
This definitely proves the universal adage that if somebody makes a car video to show off the sound, the camera’s microphone will be terrible.
Yeah he’s a shoo-in to win the All-Drug Olympics
I’m pretty astonished you didn’t get burned for this by somebody like Blueberry Jones, who probably rolls her eyes more often than she breathes.