I’m thinking Foot-For-Brains
I’m thinking Foot-For-Brains
Or, correctly, “Report: President Kennedy Assassinated”
It’s amazing how quickly cops will change their tune as soon as reporters start asking questions. Once they know that thousands (or millions) of people are about to find out, they tend to suddenly cooperate.
It didn’t run like a WRX? Every plugwire mishap I’ve ever had sounded so horrific that it kinda screamed at you “HEY I’M WHAT’S WRONG”
It’s so bad on Jezebel that I can’t even go back there anymore. You say something even 1% leaning the other way and suddenly you’re a frat bro rapist murderer who deserves to die. There are people in there who, instead of having a rational debate with you, will literally construct an entire detailed persona to…
This is a solidly informative response
Of all the vehicles on Earth, the Jeep Cherokee is one of less than a handful that you could buy a $600 one and it’ll be as reliable as a brand new car. Aside from the cooling system and maybe the crank sensor, nothing breaks, ever. So yeah, under the hood there are approximately two things that will go wrong every 20…
You did see the same picture I did, right? It’s an enormous twin-turbo system with two intercoolers packed into the nose. I’m talking about what’s visually apparent here. Fun as it is to deploy that retort on the internet, this isn’t “Have you owned a 928?” territory.
Alright that truly is ludicrous. But God help that guy when he has to work on it. Step one would be something along the lines of “remove car from car.”
I was making a joke about the post’s tone of “wow this guy (whose day job is being the head tech on far more complicated builds than this) did a turbo LS swap.”
“His day job is running Ken’s gazillion-horsepower all-wheel drive Fords”
“dachshund like”
ITT: Hitler gets a nickname
“The worst” is just a colloquialism for bad. Wasn’t aware I’d started a fight at the time.
That’s weird; I didn’t mention GM whatsoever.
Just got a rare peek into the lazy life of the seatbelt retractor. It was mesmerizing.
It’d be cool to go Mad Max on it or to give it a full dune buggy suspension, put some monster engine in it and strip the entire interior out.
Half a year if someone died. Need a lot of paid vacation to process how cool it was to kill somebody on purpose for no reason.
I’ve gotta point out the irony of implying that the news media are giving these incidents over-representative publicity while at the same time implying that the ones we see in the news are the only ones that happened.
The word “justification” could easily have been interpreted multiple ways. Clearly they interpreted it a different way than you intended. I thought I was thin skinned but this is like latex thin. Like the thin-on-purpose kinda condoms.