Ike B

Yeah I saw that too. Pretty amazingly confusing set of circumstances. Basically all these incredibly improbable firsts happen simultaneously, he hit it so hard he knew it was gone the instant it left the bat, flips the bat, then refuses to crack even a smile the entire time he trots the bases.

That’s pretty damn brilliant.

Your first answer seems to rely heavily on the theory that people are shitting on their hand rather than into a toilet. That’s not my technique, and I hope it’s not a popular one. Poo goes in the toilet. Avoid it as if it were poo.

My favorite trick in cold weather is to take a stocking cap (aka beanie), turn it upside down, and stuff it under my helmet, wedging it between the cheek pads and my face on both sides. It keeps the inevitable wind blast from freezing your face off, and keeps your neck (which radiates a lot of heat) from getting cold

Hell of a move Ford sending Howie Long as a double agent to ruin Chevy’s ad campaigns.

Yeah when your head and spine are the rollbar, you definitely need balls of steel, which, incidentally, cannot live without your head and spine.

Orlando Speedworld’s figure-8 death race is so big even C&D covered it. It’s ludicrous what they get away with there.

Having already made it through the huge mental barriers he had after his early success, then dealing with having to retool his pitching when his velocity wasn’t making him “the freak” that he used to be, Tim won’t be stopped by this. It’s just another thing.

Well that kinda sucks

I would give you so many stars for that gem if I could.

The level of improv on that is pretty incredible. If those guys were Chinese I’d totally call that rehearsed, but this is America, so freedom in this case is punching out a runner in style.

Solid. Though only slightly outwritten by:

I think it says a lot about America that apparently we have quite a few strips of coastline that all try to claim the “Redneck Riviera” moniker.

That’s quite the charitably low hp guesstimate. Maybe they detuned the superchager or something.

“Justin Hunter turned himself into authorities today “

What do you mean “if you read the article” ? The whole point of the article was from the point of view of the person getting fucked over by a bad neighbor. From what you’ve wrote, you are the bad neighbor. The tips therein have nothing to do with what you’re doing, unless you’ve left out a big part of your story.

Get a tiny motorcycle then. Park it anywhere. It’d be fun and culturally astute.

Reminds me of the first and only Airbnb I got. My new wife and I on our honeymoon got this really nice apartment in Potrero in San Francisco for a week and found out ~20 hours later at 6:45 a.m. that an asshole lived upstairs who would put on hard-heeled shoes and walk back and forth across the room directly above the

Apparently you didn’t read the “thin walls” thing, or, benefit of the doubt, chose to ignore it to act like a simple point was profound and other people are the asshole.

Wait, you’re bragging about being a dick to your innocent neighbor as revenge for him wanting to sleep?