Nah, seein as it’s special circumstances and all, they’re gonna knock $100 off that Trucoat.
Nah, seein as it’s special circumstances and all, they’re gonna knock $100 off that Trucoat.
Yeah that certainly requires more explanation than just “sleight of hand.” It’s not like if you’re extra smooth the jewelry store clerk is just gonna not notice the ring that was once there is now gone. Seems like the only smooth way to do it is to get an identical ring with a fake diamond and swap it.
You seem to have misconstrued the disruption of a passing fancy as “terror.”
That bike up at the top. That bike makes me want to ride. Light, elemental, implicitly quick, implicitly nimble, explicitly a lot of fun.
This really needs to be read by everybody. I remember reading that one a few years ago and being horrified by what I’d probably breathed in my garage. I deal with chemical combinations all the time that God knows what they do. But Phosgene, God, that’s just horrific how rapidly it can destroy you.
Oh yeah, it’ll break that dude’s hand. Then again so will a lot of helmets that don’t cost as much as a decent used UJM motorcycle, like the Arai does.
I say the S80 is more luxurious than a new Avalon, and you point out two things that are exclusively a factor of the S80’s age? They came with CD players too you know. The presence of an older stereo interface as an option isn’t a bad thing.
Well shit somebody’s fighting Googling vs. personal experience again.
Well so much for my occasional random thoughts of vacationing in Costa Rica. I thought that was supposed to be the Central American country where shit like this didn’t happen, and it was supposed to be cooler on the Pacific side. This makes it seem like Mexico outside of the resorts.
Yeah it’s what keeps me from driving this car too much. That trans job must be a nightmare.
That said, my dad said the third transmission to go in was an updated one that allegedly didn’t have the prior generation’s problems. Was not informed of what those updates were.
“a few days after the Giants had traded Molina to the Rangers”
More luxurious for sure, plus the fjordfaktor.
This is how I feel in my hand-me-down Cadillac Eldorado ETC. 300hp of V8 roar through the front wheels in a car usually seen driving 10mph under the limit in the slow lane with a blinker on is fantastic. Every time you hit the gas under 30mph at even 1 degree of steer it roasts a tire until you let go.
Incidentally, always having a spare spark plug in your car (for instant spark check) and a length of wire (for jumpering contacts/relays) can help you diagnose most of these problems in a hurry without tools.
I see you’ve misplaced my metaphor
Their idea of freedom usually extends only as far as the freedom for one Texan to get rich by suckering another Texan. Anything that threatens that system dies in committee.
Put it this way: Tesla’s top-down central network is big government socialism, and dealerships are a private sector for-profit states’ rights freedom rally cry.
Without looking I’m gonna take a guess not a single one of those guys has ever played for the Giants.
Hey at least we got the gift of a 45 year old saying “Got a problem with me? I didn’t think so, brah” and an assumed preteen saying “Yo, where you from, yo?”
Weight = a thing we all understand and can use against Chris Christie and SUVs.