Buy a sailboat, sail to California then sell it in San Fran. Free shipping and the tale of a lifetime (even if you die, but you somebody else gets to tell the story then).
Buy a sailboat, sail to California then sell it in San Fran. Free shipping and the tale of a lifetime (even if you die, but you somebody else gets to tell the story then).
Kinda sucks being part Cherokee and reading this kinda shit. Genocide isn’t funny. I don’t care if some pedantic dick comes in here and says “that was all a myth.”
Wait, do you mean the one in the picture or something? They definitely came with optional AWD.
This should be renamed Five Expensive Cars You Already Missed The Boat On
There’s this thing I’ve heard people do called renting a U-Haul though. You then drive that to where you’re moving, with your stuff in the back of it. They can be as small as a regular van.
My implication being it’d be nice if they mentioned tips on the whole cross country job switching thing, since not having one is not a luxury for most people, unlike the poster here.
Looks like I missed that magical phase where I could afford to move across country on a plane and went straight to it being too inconvenient.
That’s awesome, aside from the rockies at night thing. Most I’ve ever driven in a straight shot was 23 hours to a concert, which was fucking grueling, but then again it was a Taurus.
My response was more sarcastic because it’s ludicrous that the whole “you should have a job by the time you get there” thing was left out, but yeah that’s what my wife and I are trying to find in order to switch coasts. If one of us can get a job that pulls in $60-70k a year, then we can afford to both move at once on…
Honorable mention: Have a way to make money when you get there.
You just took a joke I made about the chances of death by stupidity and turned it into calling motorcycle culture (at times) vindictive. Motorcylists don’t assume stupid drivers are murderers (that’s the joke, because it’s so far fetched), they just know they’ll die if someone near them does something stupid.
Holy shit that’s brutal. ‘course trucks get horrible MPG when they’re hauling really heavy loads. I guess it makes sense you’d do single digits hauling a lot of ass.
Or, you know, playing Wimbledon.
Yeah it’s weird how porky sportscars/musclecars are, but really Mustangs weighed nearly that much in the early ‘70s too. They got tiny again for a while, then gradually creeped up to what we have today. Bonus points for not dying in one if you get in a wreck. Surviving a bad crash definitely has added half a second in…
That 19mpg is still absurd considering that car weighs about as much as an ‘80s Lincoln and has three times the horsepower. It’s amazing what can be considered bad mpg these days with how far we’ve come.
My friend one night took this to an extreme one night, slowed to a stop as this guy just would not stop pantomiming like he was going to hit us, and it escalated ludicrously into a drunken brawl in the center lane on a freeway. It was the single most insane moment I’ve ever experienced in my life.
It’s a lot more effective when you’re an Orangutan though. Did your boss really expect it to work with you?