Ike B

That’s something you learn to hone while riding a motorcycle really quickly. Only replace “stupidest” with “murderest.”

I do love the ironic thumbs up. It’s (mostly) replaced my turned around in my seat double bird.

But then they get what they want when you really want them to die.

Yeah I’m intrigued by that too. Stanced cars look like shit. Yeah, your tires rip through the inside cords in 10 miles and it handles like a shopping cart. That’s nice.

Pretty sure the trains weren’t either. That’s how jokes work.

Yeah I want to know how easy the wiring harness swap and integration into the car went. I ended up swapping in the M30 because it’s almost straight up plug and play with the M20 I had in the car before.

Having experienced a nutballs girlfriend who hit me with a flurry of punches when I tried to break up with her, I can tell you that regardless of intent, it’s basically negligble damage compared to your odds of even dying from a single punch to the side of the head like Johnson pulled. He’s a trained high-caliber

My favorite move when I was a teenager was to flash my lights a couple times, then if that didn’t work I’d pass them on the left anyway. There’s a lot of gravel involved when you pass somebody on the left; gravel that travels where you want it to.

I’m not telling you that: You twisted the idea to mean that.

Wish there was a video of that one.


That’s good info to know.

C’mon man you’re being deliberately offensive in every reply here.

I couldn’t count the doors through all the smoke, so I’m gonna have to take your word for it. Looked like a hell of a lot of fun though.

It’s not that it was an opinion: it’s just random pointless sniping on somebody who actually wrote something today. Don’t be a hater for hating’s sake.

“love Howard’s insistence on a couple “fucks” per article. Feels like a jr. High kid trying to get a giggle from his friends”

That car should be sponsored by HANS, or a chiropractor if you didn’t use one.

Hey, make a comment like I did and you’re bound to have a slant-6 guy show up and just vaguely allude to the obviousness of his own choice. I’ll admit it’s a great engine, but it’s a wash at best. Nevermind the irony of me making a point that with all our technological leaps, Chrysler hasn’t managed to make a more

I can’t believe the new Cherokee (or the Liberty) isn’t in here. Their predecessor was so well designed that it soldiered on almost totally unchanged for damn near two decades with an engine that was designed in 1964, yet was so good that it’s still the most reliable engine Chrysler has ever used, in an age of far

Point taken. I didn’t mean it literally, but it was necessary for transitional purposes given the context of my absurdist fiction to follow. I edited to reflect true intent.