Ike B

“Pads on performance/sports cars are between $100-200 for the front set.”

Who’d have thought that a self-righteous, simplistic response would come after “Uhm...” ?

Hey I’ve done a transmission swap in a dirt parking lot with tire jacks before. If you’re cool paying mechanics to do that, that’s fine, but nobody truly has no options for a place to do their own work.

This response was just flat-out bizarre considering Elvis Newton’s intent in his post was so clear. He wasn’t ripping on anything you said. He was making another point entirely.

Sounds like you did everything right here. Being a guy who can fix his girlfriend’s car can be a major curse though. My wife (gf at the time) had her Scion tC’s front wheel bearings go out at 120,000 miles or so. I know every trick in the book on car repairs, but these things were a goddamn nightmare. After trying

“Now this wheel balancing is free right?”

I kind of agree, but since I can think and have dealt with people, I know that people have their fears and bad priorities, and they can override everything, and that’s if they even have the money, so I understand them not getting the job done.

Yeah I’ve never understood why people (and not to be misogynist, but especially guys) ever take their cars somewhere to get their brakes repaired. They’re probably the easiest job on the car. After you take the wheel off (which everybody should be taught how to do, because the lesson takes like 5 minutes) it’s almost

Jesus, judging by the size of the bearing hubs that looks to be the front brakes of a fairly heavy truck. That’s just a dick move driving that around like that.

“Be weary of this place guys”

Nevermind the few misspellings too. Words can get lost in the editing process sometimes, especially if a lot of hacking happens. Kat not knowing the difference between things as simple as “in to” vs. “into” after like the 10th time is what really galls me here.

“Wheelie-punctuated victory”

I agree on the religion thing. But he gets a lot of airplay and makes a lot of solid points on other subjects, so I give the atheism thing a pass.

...featuring a guy talking about how much fun it is at the limit, interspersed with scenes of it being driven at 50-80% of what I can do and being rapidly caught from behind in a couple clips.

Now that’s what I call framing

Happens to me on damn near every flight. I go out of my way to be courteous on flights but if somebody pulls that headrest yanking shit, seriously, fuck you for being that oblivious or just not giving a shit.

The cycle of violence will never stop, unless it’s to be violent; then it will stop.

There’s a chance that, like life after internet porn, you’re just oversaturated with nice car imagery so that nothing stands out anymore.

Don’t forget the Valtrex First Ball.

If they threw a golf ball into the mix, somebody in another state would die. I know, because I discovered the miracle of herculean home run strength when I was about 14 years old, and immediately put a ball through a vaulted ceiling window of a house that probably cut my homer short by 200 feet.