The bit you can see is the aero cover (which is, as you say, CFRP). The wheels themselves look like this:
The bit you can see is the aero cover (which is, as you say, CFRP). The wheels themselves look like this:
This is clearly a photoshop... Trump isn’t that lean.
Now if only their lights could be activated automatically with the wipers, as well. The number of cars I run up on through heavy rain/mist/fog/snow without their taillights on is staggering. If we can’t agree to have rear foglights and use them correctly, we should at least get headlights/taillights on.
First time here in a while? The SS Jalopnik sank a while ago.
This entire list is an atrocity and the people who made the suggestions should be ashamed of themselves. This is the community this site fosters? Fuck me, what a pile of dogshit
1) Immuno-compromised people still exist.
His mother and father were siblings.
He should serve jail time just for wearing socks with sandals.
You know what’s better than a million horsepower? A billion.
Is a 535xi a “sleeper?” Maybe so.
Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?
The only thing that needs to be burned down is toxic gamer culture.
“Die for me, peasants! I need entertainment! If you aren’t willing to die for your betters, get another job!” -You, apparently.
You killed me with the last sentence...
This is my kind of pedantry!
How did everyone’s mind not go right here. It’s even the LAPD... again
Thrustmaster went a little acronym-crazy with this one,
Koenigsegg is the visionary Musk pretends to be on his best days.