It's a "Porch-uh"

Can’t wait to see how this translates in the Chinese press.

...which is not, as far as we can tell, a magazine about the actor Patrick Warburton

Thanks for that clarification. It was not that clear in the article so I had some of those aforementioned thoughts....

I’d even say it started further back, with Newt Gingrich pushing partisan politics pretty far during the Clinton era.

I just remember the car ride home (we lived about 30 minutes from the doctor’s office) and the anesthetics wearing off before I was able to get to the pharmacy for my pain killers.

I’ll have to check that one out. I’m still messing around in MI, only having been to three locations (and only fully explored two of them).

My parents are in that group and it drives me absolutely crazy. My mom fully admits “He’s an idiot,” but is so concerned that Biden (or any Dem) will be giving all her tax dollars to the less fortunate (“Because those programs don’t work) that she will vote GOP no matter what.

I’ve been enjoying it. Still back in MI, exploring the dam, but having fun slowly working my way through each area.

So, while not strictly illegal, the actions of the boaters coming so close to the recovery efforts put everyone’s safety at risk and interfered with recovery operations.

Knowing the process these logo designs go through, there are 100 places/people that could have caused the issue (deliberate or not). Swift assumes (like all the companies I’ve designed stuff for) that the work she’s presented is original and vetted properly, so please don’t expect her to do that research herself.

ROFL. I’m sure you have “facts” to back this up.

That requires a trial in a court of law, not trial by public opinion.

If Ford’s not planning on offering something like this already, I’m sure the aftermarket will oblige soon enough.

First off, married to a historian and well versed in European history, so I have a very good idea of what the gestapo did. Yes, they would go as far as the torture and murder of people against the Nazi government, but they would regularly operate in plain clothes and use the tactic to make people live in fear.

Yup. While I’m not a fan of Harris (and all the shady shit she did as California’s AG), she is certainly fits (or can be fit into) the “law and order” trope.

Yup. I love all the choads yelling, “SHE’S A CRIMINAL!” when the evidence was a description, totally forgetting about innocent until proven guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty. 

Innocent until proven guilty.

Listen, Snarky...