somethings up with the site. if i scroll down one line below where the show comments button is something from the root takes over and tells me about black actresses who could play kamala harris. 4 straight damn windows its done that.
Here after 21 attempts to get to comments only to be directed to the root. WTF!
Hey Jalopnik - why heck does your website keep automatically redirecting me to The Root on Safari, Chrome, and Edge?
It’s when your scroll bar hits the bottom of the page, you get bounced to The Root. Hopefully they are aware of it.
Something seriously wrong with this page. It keep automatically sending me to The Root. It’s done it over half a dozen times already. The only way I could completely scroll down and open comments without triggering it was to scroll verrrrrry slowwwwwwly and then wait 30 seconds before clicking on comments.
Anyone else getting redirects that are taking them to The Root anytime they try to scroll down? Also, is this the first publication to officially report the Lobo?
Anyone who would ruin this with a 350 deserves to be pinned down nude atop a nest of fire ants.
Suspiciously specific.
its slowing because 60% yoy is hard to keep up. also slowing because they keep pulling back sub 40k evs and trying to sell us 80k trucks and suvs. if rivian can keep that 35k price on the r3 they claimed id gladly buy one. or lease one if i was in colorado and could get that 9$ a month lease on a leaf. wish texas…
The video from Goodwood was pure insanity. It’s comically fast.
In some areas, DOT trucks are equipped with katanas because you just never know. I do believe NYC has some of their fleet so outfitted. If it’s not an elderly mobster, it could be a jackwagon on a Citibike.
The article it links to says that the aluminum oxide particles act as an active chemical surface to make the chlorine in the atmosphere more effective at destroying ozone. It’s a direction I did not expect it to take; I assumed the aluminum oxide was the problem, not that it was an enabler to an existing one.
Captain Planet would be locked up today for protesting and hurting “lawful” business ventures.
We’re bringing everything from the eighties back, the Cold War, an unending pandemic, right wing conservative religious nutjobs in power, and now the destruction of the ozone layers.
And over the neighbors dog?
What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs?