Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

Not patronizing at all, and your words meant a lot to me because, although doing well in life nowadays, I’ve came from a poor ubringing and could never formally study English. I self-taught myself through my childhood interest in comics and movies. Two years ago I reached a moment of great personal pride, getting a

Probably just a wash. That’s what Friesian’s look like. Sort of their claim to fame.

Do you love how the relationships are becoming more complex? My ex-wife’s cousin’s brother’s law associate’s aunt by marriage is making $147,048 weekly from the privacy of her second-story in-law unit at the end of a cul-de-sac!

Bartenders roofie people too.

I mean, humblebrag or just plain brag if you like the size of your breasticles, that’s fine, but mostly she just writes really boringly? I feel nothing when I read that Facebook thing, apart from mildly dazed and in need of a snack and a nap. Her diction is just very clinical.

no, two women who have gotten implants - like I’m PRETTY sure this woman has.

her butt isn’t large tho

There’s still time!

I don’t want anything bad to happen to Meghan Trainor, I just want her to disappear forever.

You don’t think she saw the final cut of the video before it was released? This is all just for publicity.

Yeah, that’s the point, Jim Cooke is a subtle genius

Since it’s a fake scandal, though, she just comes off looking petty.

Now if only she would do the same and refuse to release any music...

Clearly they didn’t photoshop all the “crap” out- you can still hear the song! Hey-o!!

You sound like you were a great trainer!

I think at least half the problem is shitty nutrition; people are overfeeding themselves empty calories of overly processed animal fats, sodium and pharmaceutical-grade refined sugar-carbs, but at the same time, our bodies are starved for minerals, vitamins, fiber, and micronutrients, and we’re all exhausted from

And watery tarts lobbing swords.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

In that neck of the woods, he could be all three.

I like to make myself taller, do a head nod and say ‘Sup brah’ so they know I am the dominant bro.