Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

Next year I’ll seed that garden away from the house proper.

I don’t want the bees to get eaten tho! I cannot be harbinger of red breasted death to the local bees that are likely relying on me this year.

Gardening Tip from a new, terrible gardener:

No point in arguing with anyone about anything here. It’s a waste of time, they’re chafed and ain’t nothing getting in the way of all the feelings and stories that must be told at you over and over, dude.

Those are totally implants. She bought and paid for her “hardship” and “mental boob anguish".

Totally angles and padding. It ain’t anywhere near big.

do you sweat, fart, masturbate, poop, pee, sleep, use deodorant/lotion/makeup/etc.?

Sounds like something out of that Stephen King story.

In all seriousness, completely ignoring that which truly does not matter to you is liberating.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I’ve never understood the reasoning behind forcing someone who doesn’t want a baby- to raise a baby. Do these people think that the women are suddenly going to change their minds once the baby is out? Because they won’t. You just wind up with people who are ill equipped to deal with babies being responsible for

I had to Google mook afterwards because I’d never heard it before and it sounded vaguely racist. I’m so old and out of touch with insults that I don’t even know the old insults anymore.

Someone at work recently called someone else a “mook” and I piped up and corrected him.

I’d say this lazy grifter should get a job and stop trying to sue corporations for a living. But if he’s too stupid to operate nail clippers or use a stick if deodorant properly- maybe it’s best he stays home, and far away from any and all non-babyproofed environments.

WHY ARE YOU BLAMING THE VICTIM!? She’s being victimized and deserves oodles and hoardes of sympathy.

“I had no idea you were so petty and superstitious about ridiculously stupid things. Welcome to Splitsville, baby. Population: You.”

Prediction: She will totally blame the unavoidable divorce on her fiance having seen the dress before her sham wedding and will sure TLC for damages.

Who cares? It’s a silly superstition and she’ll likely be divorced in less than a year anyhow. None of this will even matter.