Twirling Towards Freedom

I find it funny that idiots are paying over a thousand dollars to get a four hour rental on yard games that would probably cost less to just buy a bunch of cornhole boards and pay your young cousins to set them up.

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else 

to be fair, 5am is when you have to leave to get to Ashburn by start of business

5am? My Lord that’s early. I can just picture Snyder there in his office, across from a barely awake Gruden, stirring his coffee with a sleeve of gatorade cups.

The vibe in general I get from Ivanka is “Shiv, but Stupid”

I mean, it’s pretty on-brand for an American teacher of the French language to be linguistically pedantic and a religious bigot in equal measures.

Monsters of the Jetway

These earlier episodes of BattleBots are much more dangerous than I remember them.

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

from the 1940s.

This works on Belichick if you ask him about punting and special teams from the 1940s. 

“Listen, for the amount of money I send to the alumni association, YA DAMN RIGHT I AM WRITING PAT’S POST-GAME SCRIPTS! Now, let me tell you about the dinner I had last night with Magic & Charles.” - Wilbon

The really sad thing is he had that “my email address is hashtag I don’t care” so locked and loaded and ready to that it is clear it was a line he thought about and prepared and was waiting to throw out there, and it is just so so terrible. 

QB: MAY, 19, 68... MAY... 19... 68...


QB: KILL, KILL... [Looks to sidelines, wild-eyed; makes exaggerated shrug]

Offensive Coordinator: [Signals “2" and “0"]

QB: [Nods, returns to snap count] BLUE DOG 2020, BLUE DOOOOG 2020!

CENTER: [Snaps ball]

QB: [Drops back three steps]

[Fakes left]


If you can’t make it work in Santa Clara, just do what we did and move everything to Altamont!

Plays fall apart; the line cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the field,
The opposing rush is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity and stolen crab legs

Still more conference championships than Notre Dame.

I appreciate how this bold young man is calling Ross out on the mission of the charity. It’s like:

All Dogs Go To Heaven and Fourteen