
I’ve always felt this way about Ray Lewis, and still do. But there was one time when I saw another side of him—that series he did on Spike TV (if I recall) called Coaching Bad, a “reality” series about anger management, where some youth sports coaches who had problems with rage went through group therapy on camera.

White guilt isn’t a thing for me. Some might cry over what their ancestors did several hundred years ago in the US, but mine didn’t arrive until just prior to WWI.

Accredited university or not, the Barbary slave trade did exist. The chinese, japanese, and koreans owned slaves at multiple various points in their

Like I said, we cranked it up to 11. In this context, the “We could never have imagined one person could own another person” bit makes this a legitimate argument. It was imagined, because it was done. I’m not saying it validates slavery, just that it invalidates that particular argument.

Ugh... I hate to think I might be defending someone defending the slave trade but... I don’t think that’s what this person was trying to say, at all?

fuck you

Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

Johnson is no saint; he’s a defense lawyer.

While the victim can still pursue a civil action, she’s probably hesitant since any suit she can wrap Irvin up in is bound to be ugly, loud, and more than likely pinstriped.

Because Bears management has no idea what they’re doing.

Its in the news because its across racial lines. The key will be to see who changes their tune this time in the arguments for police accountability. Is the Root saying they dont want the officer prosecuted this time cause the victim isnt black and the officer is? Be careful to remain consistent.

Big talk from a guy who’s entire race nearly got wiped out by a lack of fries.

Irish people use to term “boy” all the time. It has no racial connotations.

I don’t think McGregor’s race dictates his behavior and I don’t think stuff like this helps.

That’s quite a sweeping statement about an entire ethnicity you just made. (I wish there was a word for it.)

Isn’t this an inherently racist comment?

I love reading this site just so to see comments like this. It’s great to know that people of all colors and creeds are just as crazy, bigoted and prejudiced.

Aren’t all whites racist to some degree whether they know it or not?

Is that you, Progressive Liberal?

Cool, witty Atheist here. Umm . . . it would not have ever occurred to me to make a FSM joke here. I hardly see how it would be relevant.

I’m genuinely shocked that an Australian pilot asked people to pray considering Australia is the least religious place I’ve ever lived.