
I know!! Look at the fingers by the tip. It's still GINORMOUS

Also: "When it was flaccid, it measured 7ins long and was 10ins round."


When white people are denied the opportunity to pass their privilege down to their children, somebody's gonna pay.

At Solstice a few years ago my friend and I got brownies and each ate an entire one. Within a few hours my friend literally ran away and got in a cab. She left me a voicemail soon after saying she was scared but I was too stoned to care. I couldn't find my car and was worried my lips were going to fall off. My little

The main problem was the sweet lemon jello mixed with tomato and green olives. It just....I can't put into words how disturbing it was. And it LINGERED.

Go to the Mt Baker neighborhood and look for the green crosses.

Thank you very much for this comment. It was spot-on, and means a lot.

It's so surreal seeing all these comments from a moment in my childhood. I debated a long time before writing this, but I did it for myself and tried to be honest as possible. When you are a child in abusive situations, especially the oldest child, you find yourself constantly wanting to protect others and keep the

Thanks! For a all those asking, this was just a scene from my life. Life is complicated, and for a 12 year old and her 10 year old brother trapped with your mom's abusive boyfriend, you fight back how you can. I'm not going to rewrite what happened so that I made all the right decisions and tell my friend to not take

Hahaha! What cracks me up is that, as Aham's sister I was always like, "Bro, don't get a lion, they cost way too much to feed and they might eat you."
And he's all, "Ijeoma, don't pretend your pet rock makes you happy."

Yeah. But it really challenged me to think about why it bothered me. I think it helped me realize how I had internalized the message of our bodies as purely sexual objects - because this kid was completely free of that and I was the only one thinking that way. he acted like he was just touching my elbow.

I was nursing my oldest son once when my sister-in-law's teenage brother walked in with his buddy. I prepared for "ew's" or boob staring but instead, the brother's friend walked over, took his hand and moved my boob to the side a bit without disturbing the baby and said, "oh wow, what a beautiful little guy. What's

She already addressed it in her article - and even linked to it. So no, it's not hypocritical.

Sephora creme lip stain - I can't remember the shade, but it's great. Stays on all day and is really comfortable

Hahahaha, yup - that's the shade!

Will do - thanks!

These things happen, and ugh - you just had a reaction to her hair and said you liked it, but at the same time there is a LOT of pressure for black women to have "white hair" and often comments like that do contribute. I stopped wearing my hair straight, because the comments always made me self conscious about my

Yes! it's a very interesting site and the hairstyles are amazing