
These Ok Cupid articles are always fascinating. Thanks for writing!

Even back in 1996, I spent most of my time in calculus class playing minesweeper on my TI-85 or programming it to cheat at poker. No color screen needed.

@Aquifel: Only recordings made before 1923 are in the public domain in the U.S. Sony could charge you for them if they wanted to, I guess, but that would be a pretty limited business model.

With all due respect for our friends over at lifehacker, can we just use "hack" for electronics only, please? It's getting obnoxious.

@Joe: It's been years, but I'm not sure I've ever seen past the first 10 minutes. I am not good at shmups.

I don't think the author is using the same internet I'm using.

How does Google feel?

@stifflittlefinger: They let the kid's dad handle it, after the kid tried to buy drugs from a cop. How could they have taken it any easier than that?

@MargaretMoony: Whedon himself has apparently said that he believes Buffy's not in a coma, and that vampire Sunnydale is "real." I was actually a little disappointed when I read that; it was more fun as a mystery.

@Almightywhacko: Do you really think cooking burgers efficiently is the point?

Wow, that car doesn't look like crap at all! I'm shocked, and pleased.

@qbrad: No, the concept is still a really good idea. It would just be a bit longer than what you're describing. Somebody make this! It's freakin' 2010, I should never run out of USB ports.

@freetobelee: I dunno. The hardware is undeniably sexy, but I don't know how many people are going to like the idea of TV being nothing but pay-per-view.

@Shadowlayer: A 5MP camera is nothing special. The camera on the iPhone 4 is really impressive. You seem a little sensitive about this. ;)

I want lala back. Not the cloud part, but the pricing: first listen of any full song for free, 10¢ for unlimited listens web-only, 99¢ for a DRM-free mp3. No ads, no subscription fees.

@Charliehorse: I agree. They've traded an aging but functional interface for one that's pretty, but information-poor.

@djdare: I thought you were kidding, but you're exactly right. How odd.

@Ellomdian: It's true. Oskar Blues is good— especially some of the small batch stuff they only serve at the restaurants— but it's not my favorite. In fact, I think the only reason I ever buy OB instead of, say, O'dell's is because I find cans so convenient. They're lighter, they take up less room, they chill

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Speaking as someone who's had an awful lot of PBR over the years, the price is indeed the only thing I ever liked about it. These days, though, I've switched to High Life as my cheap-as-sand beer of choice.