somehow, breast (singular) isn't blocked. This seems like a hilarious oversight.
somehow, breast (singular) isn't blocked. This seems like a hilarious oversight.
How the hell would I run a VirtualBox in computer that has 128MB of RAM. I guess i could remote desktop into a home server running XP...
This seems like an ideal way to get Hulu on any TV I want. Too bad Netflix still won't work on Linux...
@Tetsuooooooo: Last time I checked, Linux was free. I think that was a week ago when I was installing Arch Linux...
@mnerd: It depends on how new you want it to be. The HP Compaq TC1100 is a beautiful Windows XP tablet. But it only has a 1.2Ghz processor and up to 2 GB of ram.
I have a Windows XP tablet. Does that count?
Just tried the quiz. Turns out I can't spell for crap. I spent over a minute trying to spell Wartortle correctly.
How? How exactly is watching something before they want me to Theft? At worst, its some sort of Espionage.
@Ccomfort: So if i pay for netflix, but pirate a show before it becomes available to me, who exactly am I stealing from?
Netflix won't stream on a Linux computer. Hulu will. You should amend your "Watching on the computer" section to reflect this.
I still hate the assumption that most people have Smart Phones, because guess what, most of us don't.
@Zelda did it!: The new Lenovo thinkpad has up to 30 hours of battery life.
No ingredients list?!
I WANT to subscribe to Netflix. But I use a Linux computer, and there's still no Netflix available for me!
Am I the only one who has a problem with this considering that Netflix is still only allowing you to use their service on authorised devices, and only in the US and Canada?
@meatbag_pussrocket: I volunteer at a local charity that refurbishes donated computers. I was SO excited when we got our first Model M donated. There is just nothing like the feeling of typing on one.
@tylerbrainerd: I'm still waiting for a tablet that can replicate the function of the HP Compaq TC1100. It came with a full version of Windows XP, runs Ubuntu no problem, and has a small keyboard/stand that folds behind it.
Dude, that's an old picture. She went brunet for Lonestar.
Dub Dub!
So this device plays music, and they show it off in a video where they play some other song instead of letting you hear this device's actual music? Wow.