Welcome to the FUTURE of blogs!
Welcome to the FUTURE of blogs!
@Interstella5555: I had a Pac Man board game growing up. It was terrible.
Nice Add.
Also, if you want to use the old Fusion page (where it shows articles from multiple Gawker sites on the same page) you can still access that through Fleshbot. But the articles at the top are still Fleshbot's, so its pretty NSFW
So it STILL doesn't have an about:config page?!
@hazelnut1112: There are no women on the internet.
No Linux version? Seriously?
@DRaGZ: "Cutting-edge hand-held" with very few good games...
How the hell am I supposed to hook a mouse/keyboard up the this thing so I can play an FPS properly?
@Detre: What's mind boggling is that companies (Sony) assume that everyone has a high speed Internet connection and don't want their friends borrowing their games, so they're making new consoles WITHOUT removable games.
@MrBlahBlah: I just found out that I can get most network shows for free on demand from comcast. And i can fast forward through commercials. I haven't used hulu since.
@Claytu2: You spent $200 just to change the COLOUR of your PHONE?! Seriously?
@MikeK: Except that its a touch screen, so in theory, your fingers could leave smudges on the #'s you use for the password. If they have all 4 numbers, the amount of possible combinations goes way down.
So how is opening up an app and then having someone scan it any more convenient than taking out a credit card and then having someone scan it?
@Metalface Eagle: Replace "wine" with "whiskey" and you've got a recipe for a great Saturday night.
@Octopain: What kind of sissy are you? Back in my day we played through an entire game in one sitting, and we liked it.
@Jonas72: The Misfits. Its British, and it is quite possibly the best show on TV right now.
@nicp1112: Except its not the developers (who deserve it) making money in this case, its the publishers.
@Shippoyasha: MEANWHILE, True True gamers are creating case-mods so they can just take their home consoles with them anywhere. Who needs a PSP2 when you can have an Xbox360-in-a-briefcase?