The One True Opinion

They somehow got two squirrels to “kiss.” I don’t want to think about how.

So you thought you were brown enough, did you Gina? YOU THOUGHT WRONG

My current theory is that Sue will appear during Crisis — note that they keep announcing new actors for that thing, so the fact that we haven’t had Sue confirmed doesn’t mean she isn’t there.

I didn’t like it, and I won’t miss it. Maybe it was a little unfair to have this follow something like The Good Place, but it was about one-sixty-fourth as funny. Kal Penn was annoying on a Josh Gad level, and half the spontaneous things the rich siblings said made no sense.

I love how those are their only two credits.

My guess is that the baby will definitely be a girl so they can do a “Christmas Princess” spinoff.

This goes without saying, but the grand majority of princess stories are based on pure fantasy and dreams, and not on any real-world elements.

I had almost forgotten that Christmas Prince existed. UNTIL NOW, THANKS  NETFLIX

Image has a Viz credit, so it must really be an anime and not one of Netflix’s “fake” ones. I’m surprised. Feminism is, uh, kinda the opposite of what you expect from anime.

Look closely. Sykes is in the background of every comedy movie, somewhere.

Geez, THAT got dark quickly. But all the fat has been trimmed out and it’s just the sisters now, which is what it should have been from the beginning.

I thought Believe was fine. Unfortunately Cuarón had the misfortune of making a show about a little girl with psionic powers two years before that kind of thing would blow up and become trendy.

Ironically, we just had a Supergirl about this problem. Aired right after, in fact...

For the Internet, it’s never too early to judge.

Not the worst thing I’ve seen. Back when Eisner was about to be ousted, one of his last mistakes was running Beauty and the Beast on ABC during the same weekend the movie hit DVD for the first time. Mike’s excuse was he wanted to turn the thing into a commercial, so every few minutes his mug would fill the screen and

I have never heard of him. I thought they meant the long-haired mystery solver.

Darlene is hard to watch. Every season she’s worse off than she was previously.

I’m just fine with it, because they telegraphed it so hard before then.

Kate and Sophie are also fated to kiss in the first season finale, but not at any point before then. And when it happens there will suddenly be a 2020 pop song playing that hasn’t been written yet.

I hate to say it, but this is a CW show AND part of the Berlanti brand, so they WILL find a stupid reason to fight, and it will be very contrived.