The One True Opinion

She’s basically the exact same thing as the Mad Hatter, so are the pair related in the comics?

Warning: nitpick ahead

Well, let’s do some pruning. I don’t get the premium channels so that eliminates half of AV Club’s list. We can eliminate Supergirl because I doubt it’s going to stop sucking at this point. TWD is old as dirt and Simpsons is three times that age. This leaves Bob’s, Batwoman, and Mr. Robot....perfectly manageable.

Being Twitch-famous doesn’t sound like any fun at all. Your job involves being locked in your bedroom for over five hours a day, having to come up with zippy banter constantly. You get all the downsides of being famous (stalkers, mobs, trolls, haters) with none of the upsides (mansions, millions of dollars, a team of

It’s the next Fifty Shades!

Allison is a Blazers fan? Cool.

In addition, an episode of Louie opened with him working as the lead actor on a pilot for one of these shows. The scene was a pretty good slam on the concept, but now that all things Louie have been buried, we’ll have to do it over again.

I just can’t help but think recording your own surgery so you can watch it later is such a Batman move (or Batwoman in this case). She was well cast.

Wow, you’re so annoyed with this Brent character that you memorized all his lines. Reminds me of when the Parents Television Council goes on one of their rants and describes the scene that set them off in VERY THOROUGH detail — they just can’t forget a single second of it.

This may be the greatest Kinja I have ever witnessed in my life.

In addition, it’s the same joke in every skit: “here’s this beloved property, now watch us make them do something really SHOCKING and NAUGHTY! Hee hee.”

I don’t know what it says about me that I tried to think of halftime acts I WOULD watch, and Weird Al immediately sprang to mind first.

Citation Needed

This might’ve been your ONE chance to ask them what the Seether was, and you didn’t take it.

Not unfounded at all if you saw the whole season. You know what this is about....

“EEEEEEEEEEEND!!!” --Tom Servo

Silly New Yorker, cars will never truly be replaced. Speaking as someone who bikes everywhere and takes the bus anywhere too far to bike, there are times I really wish I had a car. You can’t haul something large and heavy across town on a bus. And forget traveling outside of the city, let alone the state.

Is Walker Texas Ranger a cool property with the youth right now? It sure wasn’t when it was new; it was a goofy thing your parents watched.

Rambo has never NOT been controversial. When he was new the conversation was “WHAT are we teaching our children??” In 2019 the conversation is “WHAT are we teaching our grown-ups??”

Tom Welling had the acting skills of a Roomba and Rosenbaum was about as intimidating as a wet mop.