The One True Opinion

We’ll still get a killer Good Place promo ad during the Bowl though......ahh no wait, the season will have finished its run by then. What’s replacing it?

Him? He’s awesome.

Weed shops aren’t funded by bank loans.

So....they just now noticed this? It was legalized in seven states before California, it’s been legal in many states for years now, and they had plenty of warning California was about to do this.....just NOW, at the moment the law went into effect, are they paying attention? As an anti-drug crusader, Jeff, you suck at

That guy? That guy’s awesome.

How long do you think it’s going to take my fair city to live this show down?

Favorite line tonight: “I think someone flushed a baby down the toilet!” ...That was actually from a promo ad for Fox’s “911" that aired during the episode, but it counts for me.

I never would have figured Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and NCIS share a writer.

Confirmed to run on SNES Classic.

It’s “cot-bee” and I’ve always wondered where it came from. It looks Russian, like it was originally written with a backwards letter or two.

This is awesome and has my full support....except for the name. It only makes sense in this exact post-Weinstein moment. They intend for this movement to grow into a powerful social organization like NAACP, right? Ten years from now are they still going to call themselves “Time’s Up”?

Look for the nerds instead of the bros and you’ll find some good people. Tony Goldmark (aka “Some Jerk With A Camera”) is hilarious. He doesn’t update often though.

So....is this Jake Paul under a different name? Because it looks like the same guy.

If that photo in your avatar is truthful, “being unattractive” isn’t the problem.

Mabe Village was a community of talking animals located on an island that turned out to be the dream of a giant floating tattooed whale. How’d its ruins get to Hyrule?

Didn’t you hear? They won’t do board games since apparently too many of them “project capitalist ideals.”

Unless the interface changed in the last six hours, it’s the same interface they’ve been using since they launched.

*deep voice* OUT-LIBERAL’D

Ruins of Lon Lon Ranch? Where?

Because a lot of people on that site blanket-blame “white people” for everything bad in the world.