Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!
Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!
Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!
Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!
Maybe he should do an interview with Roy Firestone, and they can just laugh together about all the crap he did.
“On Wednesday, the Baltimore Ravens released offensive lineman and marijuana advocate Eugene Monroe. It’s still not clear why the team cut a healthy, starting-caliber oft-injured (missing 15 games the last two seasons), highly inconsistent, and expensive player in June, but whatever the reason, Monroe doesn’t sound…
Or...just maybe...they just think he’s a whiny ass bitch.
Maybe LeBron should stop acting like a bitch, and then he won’t get called one on the basketball court.
LOL he looks like Ellen DeGeneres.
Getting hot? Ahhh, the ol’ 1-game winning streak against a crappy team.
I couldn’t agree with this more. HOWEVER - I would like to see the same vitriol extended for EVERYONE. I hear too many excuses in other incidents about someone being ‘disadvantaged’ or it’s the ‘system’. People know major rights and wrongs - period. In this case, rape is wrong. Simple. Dude should’ve gotten like 15…
...As opposed to the reality of a heavy handed liberal bastion that is called San Francisco.
“The sense of entitlement people have in this country is staggering and dangerous.”
Ahhhhh the ol’ ‘Rip-The-Guy-That-Was-The-Best-Player-On-The-Floor-Last-Night-For-The-Thunder’ routine by Burneko. Top notch.
No one emailed the station. This is Deadspin being stupid and spreading false information because they read it on imgur or reddit or something first - per usual.
Dammit you fucking casuals - this was a joke! Why are there articles on this? No one emailed the station. This is ridiculous spreading false info.
Reference game is strong with this one.
I’m from the north, and this is exactly how I eat BBQ. Where’d I learn this fantastic combo? Texas.
I was waiting for this list to come back this year. Glad these names are so irritating to Barry. They are certainly way more irritating than the future of basketball and football... //rolls eyes//. Key and Peele nailed it with Jackmerius Tacktheritrix, J’Dinkalage Morgoone, L’Carpetron Dookmarriot, and D’Glester…