Half Baked Banter

I live in a city called Morgantown, West Virginia. We’re a college town (WVU) and have a very high population of Arabic students, nearly all of whom daily drive Challengers, Z/28s, or Mustangs. Unfortunately, from January until late February our town is buried under 3 feet of snow. All throughout this time, the

Conveniently, I ran across this pic yesterday and it seems relevant

Dang, came here and commented about my 81 Eagle SX4, then came here and saw I was late to the party

I’m pretty pleased with my 81 AMC Eagle SX4

I’ve spent the past year cleaning out these vacuums at a car wash. It’s insane what some people think those things are capable of

Can’t get the link to work, but first gen Lexus IS300 (1998-2005). You get a 2JZ, rear wheel drive, and if you look hard enough you can find them with manuals. They look to most people like, well, a Lexus, and you can pick a decent one up for south of $6,000, leaving plenty of room to pump more power out of that

We have an induction loop sensor at one of the 4 intersections in my home town and the loop is positioned far enough forward that the “I like to wait 10 feet back from the intersection incase I don’t get rearended” people are constantly failing to trigger it and backing up traffic. It’s maddening

As a proud West Virginian, I can find no inaccuracies in this description.

After watching this, I was also about to comment crediting Gran Turismo with teaching me every inch of this track, you beat me to it

Everything about this is telling me that this guy needs a nice big comfy pickup, I know he said he doesn’t care for all road, but I mean that’s the only thing that’s gonna come close to meeting the rest of this criteria. But I mean think about it, boxy styling, no plastic bumpers, available with all kinds of sensors

Finally, someone acknowledges that drift culture is embodying what hot rod culture traditionally stood for. Thank you.

Monte Carlo, or is that cheating?

If I saw that thing on the street I’d say I just saw the worst Fiero kit car out there. I sure hope when that thing fell off the truck it was at 80mph and it rolled a few times, cause that’s the only excuse for that bodywork.

Those friends who think it’s funny to reach over and honk at or even worse yell out the window at pedestrians are the worst. People on the sidewalk in my town now actively avoid my truck.

I have been so curious about this process, but there is so much bullcrap to comb through online. I will definitely follow this as closely as possible.

The LS platform has been used all over GM, and I think it gets points for finding it's way into everything from miatas to 240sxs to first gen s10s in the engine swap realm.

The only engine option mentioned so far sounds pretty good to me: a 2L turbodiesel four making 190HP/300 lb-ft of torque. And while Hyundai hasn't said anything about price, they did make a big deal about how modern pickup trucks were averaging around $40,000 — too expensive for many, many people.

1981 AMC Eagle Sx4: 41-50% I'll take it

This wins, hands down.

I've never so strongly agreed with an article in my entire life. Maybe because I mostly read the Blaze, but still.