If you are using your whole pile of money to buy a car, you are going to have problems like that.
If you are using your whole pile of money to buy a car, you are going to have problems like that.
I’m not sure you have to sell the Miata. I mean yeah, it’s not a bad thing to do, but if you say you can afford it and then still have money to buy a $1,000 Civic for no reason other than you might use it as a daily driver, you could just string along for two years just fine.
What is your deal, man? Whenever you pop up in the comments, it’s always to discuss your possessions. Your fancy watches. Your outdoor kitchen. Impressing the fucking valet guy with your car (LOL). And now this.
Last time I was at a dealership it seemed that everyone around me was underwater on their trade and were trying to get the dealer to eat several thousand dollars worth of their poor decisions and begging for 96 month financing.
Would excessive speeding like this be reduced if all speed limits were based on some sort of scientifically-based actual safe traveling speed, rather than having areas of arbitrary reduced limits, seemingly for no reason other than revenue generation?
Integrated Circuits were invented in Dallas. The first movie theater was in New Jersey.
how evil of them to basically more or less invent modern social media
Except that’s exactly what’s going to happen if you have tires that last the whole race. In fact, it’s exactly what happened before they decided to switch to these faster wearing Pirellis.
The irony in this article is that Michael Harriot, like Viacom, are focusing on different aspects of Cannon’s comments.
I believe that racism is real and pervasive. I have seen it with my own eyes (in northern New York, where I live). I think, given the atrocity that was slavery and the ongoing atrocity that is systemic racism (and it’s many penumbras), that to err on the side of vastly over-doing it when fighting against this stuff is…
If a Jeep is around $48k then why are you surprised that it’s payment is so high? Aren’t E-trons around $80k out the door? Do you think dealerships own these things for free? Margins aren’t THAT great for most regular vehicles, with the exception being highly optioned big trucks/SUVS and luxury/high-end…
Rule #1: Never post a video when an article will suffice. Most people don’t have the time (or an appropriate setting) to watch a video, but all of us have 60 seconds to read a condensed list of tips.
“do most if not all traffic enforcement with camera” I don’t know how all that mud got on my license plates, as I speed by the cameras at 100mph(160.9 kph)in my monkey trump mask.
Your traffic ticket, brought to you by Ring, from Amazon.
I’ve got a different theory: BMW is jealous of Porsche offering an optional front fascia on the new 911, and has plans to sell an alternate, as well. $1500 for a gaping maw delete? - sign me up.
The X5 absolutely printed money for BMW, at least in the US. It still stands as probably the best full-sized SUV from a design and function standpoint. For example: one of the few to still have a split tailgate. Even today’s model still looks pretty good, at least for the time being until it gets a new grille.
I am buying a house with a lift in the detached garage, I am super excited. My wife is even happy for me!