
Did he have the cheapest one around? Lol. I do know that nowadays most used cars get priced with not much room because of the internet and how everyone buying used finds the car online instead of just going to random lots like the old days 

That will do it. I had michelin pilot sports that were about ten years old but had barely been driven or had wear and yet I would spin tires on even the smallest incline and now with new Cooper CS5s which are not as highly rated a tire I struggle to spin tires unless I gun it in first or really am flying. Age makes a

Correct answer is either E28 or E34

If you enjoy reading well-written articles or stories then it can be awesome, but sadly the writers today don’t seem the same

It’s still park reverse and drive and it’s very simple. A big stick that I touch once to start driving and maybe to reverse wastes tons of space. Mercedes isn’t gonna change up their interior design that is beating the pants off of every other luxury maker to add an antiquated shifter. It’s the best or nothing, not

Why are paddles stupid? I’m all for manual (both of my cars are stickshift 90s bmws) but if you’re gonna do automatic a column shift with paddles is the best way

The zig zag shifter wastes space and is slower than paddles lol. Auto shifters in the center are outdated

Their column shifter design is probably the most intuitive and space saving design that makes most sense for non-manuals imo. Normal column shifters are easy to slide up and past your selection or too early. This has an easily identifiable park button and then for drive or reserve you just push either up or down past

I seriously doubt that story. I’ve been there many times and know some of the workers that have been their years and I really seriously doubt they would manhandle someone out. 

Just my take, but the reason I go along for test drives is because I know my shit with the vehicle and am passionate and knowledgable and I know that the majority of our customers wont understand half of the vehicles features and capabilities if I don’t show them. I don’t pressure them and our route does streets and

We’ll loan new cars out overnight for the customer to get a feel if theyre serious but it makes total sense why we’d go on the test drive. Disregarding any liability the truth is that I want to show the car off. The customer wont see half the features some of these cars have if they arent explicitly shown. Not always

I need the jalopnik perfect mix CD for those of us not in the new millennium yet

I hated the e60 and the ones after that but I’ve driven a couple new 530s and 40s and I have to say the jump in chassis feel to me was immense. I actually really like the new ones especially the styling. I still prefer my e34 for driving experience tho 

Where’s this 500+ hp rear wheel drive accord? Ohhh wait there’s nothing lol

I always used mine on my z3 coupe

Yeah. I currently own a broken z3 coupe but goddamn I really love that car. It’s an extremely underrated sports car and imo I’d take it over a Honda s2k any day

God I really need a 1950s jag

The Z makes total sense against the s2k and Miata. You can get an awesome 2.8 or 3.0 in-line six or the m version which would fit in that 15-20k budget and blow the doors off those other cars outside of maybe the Porsche because idk much about it’s stats. My 2.8 z3 coupe cost me 7k and I’ll take it all day over those

The z3 always had a girly reputation instead of the typical bmw douche rep imo lol

The E43 is gone but I believe the others all remain