
For the love of God, why are all the comments on this story all catty remarks about how these women look??

They are not actually making fun of the artist. If you read the article you'd understand that retrospective of Chico's work for the shop's anniversary. They're totally embracing Chico as part of what made the LES what it was.

Now playing

Here's a film I made about Chico, with his own thoughts on the LES:

lol, I knew it was an LES Chico painting as soon as I saw it. He's paintings are cute as hell in a charming 3rd grade sort of way.... I agree that he's not a particularly good artist. In fact, I don't think anyone things he's a good artist. But he's a local guy who has been doing these for quite a while.

He really isn't, though, because although he in particular is very successful, he doesn't and can never represent demographics that commit gentrification. It's like trying to blame Spike Lee for gentrification because his films about Brooklyn made the neighborhood cool. The people who move to the neighborhood and

This. The artists and creatives who have made NYC such a desirable place to people like Swift are running out of places to live in the city.

Chico, New York legend, is leaving the city, having finally been pushed out by the rising cost of living, so the mural is also mourning the loss of its creator.

So well researched that the Professor replies to a question on a 7 year old with nonsense about 3~4 year old behavior (Pre-k, US).

I wish nobody would talk ever on the subway. I don't care if I agree or disagree with what's being shouted across a train car I'm captive in. It's an unpleasant thing.

omg, you already know to be a prick to commenters who point out a huge discrepancy in your article. you're going to fit in well here.

Which is why you edited your piece, right? Don't worry, guys! She has a bit from Grace Dunham about how she doesn't feel it's abuse and there's a whole Tumblr now supporting Lena (like that's fucking news) so it's cool. Saying you ought to be embarrassed is the least of it. Great fucking job minimizing child abuse,

would it have changed your mind if Jezebel were the one publishing the passages that contain sexual abuse? my guess is yes. the fact that Lena Dunham expects support and love unconditionally as she denies any wrongdoing in her actions is just another facet to her questionable morality. she glosses over the bad things

You seem, to me, to be saying that whether or not what Lena did was wrong is dependent on her sister's public explanation of it.

How about you acknowledge that you made a mistake instead of being flippant towards commentators who are right?

The journalistic integrity of an author has been called into question, and true to Jezebel ethics and practices, she fires back with middle school sarcasm.

For someone who has "absolutely no interest in defending Lena," you put a lot of work into a creative re-telling of what actually took place in Dunham's memoir and castigating those calling attention to the problematic behaviors as itching for a fight that isn't there. You might as well have asked for the size for our

"I have absolutely no interest in defending Lena."

Unfortunately you couched your opinions in the context of the current controversy, while failing to address the content of that controversy in any meaningful way. You're certainly welcome to share your opinions, but in this case they add nothing to the conversation.

Thank you! Jezebel is ignoring a pattern of sleezy Lena behavior because Lena is the Jezebel ideal. Which is bad enough - she is a boring rich talentless white chick who capitalizes on the perpetuation of millennial feminists as sociopathic chic hippies. I've honestly been waiting to see Jezebel's remarks on this and

I was expecting a Jezebel post to defend Lena Dunham (and comments that will also defend her), yet I'm still upset.