
I think my biggest issue with this whole fiasco is not the acts Lena describes, but that she so cavalierly mentions that she did what a sexual predator would do (as I realize you discuss in this article). I realize that this is her brand of humor and maybe I just don't get her humor, but it is an out-of-touch,

Dude, that ripstop maxi skirt? I OWNED THAT RIPSTOP MAXI SKIRT, and it was every bit as awesome as you think it was. I wore the shit out of it. I also chopped my hair into a pixie in the summer between 8th and 9th grade after seeing a Delia*s model with the same haircut.

I feel like Jezebel has really punted on this Lena Dunham story.

You know what else goes south? The ability to see everything in black and white terms. The ability to speak with authority about shit you know nothing about, like aging and what constitutes cool. Knowing you are right about everything. God, I miss that.

Okay honey.

And "kink awareness" - pluhhheeese

There you go, assuming I must not like certain things because I'm not aboard the obnoxious self-identified "kinkster" train. Grow up. "Kinky" stuff is just sex. You're not that wild or out there, trust me.


I feel you 100%. I've been in the lifestyle for the last 8 years and I have recently had to distance myself from friends who can't shut up about how kinky they are. I get it, you like rope play and suspension and have 6 bfs, whatever. Jeez, everyone fucks. I go to the events that seem cool, and parties that aren't

I'm really not sure if that kind of labeling is all that helpful. For one, lots of people have been having "kinky" sex for centuries. Also, it sets up a false dichotomy of "normal" and "abnormal" sex. I'm all for people letting their freak flag fly but coming up with cutesy labels looks awfully limiting IMHO.

Pretty ballsy to compare your struggle to the gay rights struggle. Why do you have to call yourself *anything*? Just because you like to get tied up/tie people up doesn't mean you need to broadcast it to the world and assume a label to differentiate yourself from people who aren't into that. Notice I haven't mentioned

So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.

Starred just for the Karen Walker reference. (The only thing more boring than Will was Grace.)

All Bristol Palin comments come from police audio and her blog posts. All Chelsea quotes from social media, newspaper and magazine interviews.

Nell, honey, why do you keep digging your hole even deeper? What are you trying to accomplish? What is the point of all this??

And this?

Thank you. Yes, I know these people well, and I'd say about 98% of them are just doing it to act out against a mean mommy or daddy or schoolteacher or priest who is NOT HERE NOW. You're a goddamn grownup, just enjoy your fucking, it's really not all that shocking or rebellious.

To talk about how unique and non-traditional her traditional wedding was because they were sooo special and different. She also said her husband was "heteroflexible". 2 people I absolutely do not want to picture having sex, ever ever everrrr. Getting married is inherently traditional. Be a grown up. I will also

I agree with you. I knew someone who actually described themselves as "bi and polyamorous" in her own wedding toast. You're a snowflake, we get it. Barf.

Transplants acting like native New Yorkers are in the wrong for being angry about things like being priced out of the neighborhoods they were born in because some "writer" with a liberal arts degree and a trust fund wants to live in Brooklyn.